Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

103rd annual fair starts next week

SUMMER?--Last week was a mixed bag of weather but for a good deal of it, the theme was gray! We've had the sea fog and misty conditions for several mornings so it hasn't looked too much like summer until the latter part of the day when the sun finally shows up. While Portland was boasting temperatures close to 80 with clear skies, we were basking in the 60's with lots of clouds; however, it was muggy so it felt warmer than it looked. This has not been so great for hay makers or painters, as this kind of weather just makes everything steam; not good for much except making my weeds grow!

FAIR--The countdown is definitely on for the 103rd annual Wahkiakum County Fair, as some things have to be entered beginning this Saturday, while others are at the beginning of next week as judging begins prior to the fair opening on August 18. It's time to check out the fair book and see when you're supposed to bring in your entries. We can only hope that we have some sunny days to celebrate this year's fair which boasts lots of music and a full schedule of events. The posters for this year look great and there should be something for everybody. As usual, Thursday is Senior Citizen Day/Red Hat Ladies Day with free admission until 4 p.m., and this day is sponsored by the Wahkiakum Acoustic Guitar Society, so that is very nice of them. Friday is Kids' Day, with all kids under the age of 12 getting in free until 4 p.m., and this is sponsored by the Georgia Pacific Foundation, a big thank you to them. Then on Saturday, it is Armed Forces Day with free admission to those with military ID,(active, retired and reserve) and they get in free all day long, with this day being sponsored by Watkins Tractor and Supply Co. which has always been a huge supporter of our fair so we thank them as well. Saturday is also the Salmon BBQ day, so if you like fish, you'll want to check that out at noon. Get your season pass in advance for just $6 for all three days or they will be an extra dollar at the gate. The hours of the fair are 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. We hope to see you there sometime during the activities next week!

Don't forget the Fair Dance at the Skamokawa Grange hall for all the kids on Friday night....begins at 10:30 p.m., so we hope you'll take advantage of the opportunity to come out and hang out with your friends and enjoy some fun music!

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from August 11-17 are Rick Bryan, Judy Smith, Tim Schmitz, Kathleen Morgain, Tyna Zink, Addy Hauff, Krista McGuire, Steve McClain, Teresa McNally, Barbara Blix, Tenneal Harris, Eileen Free and Kassy Burdick. May you all have wonderful celebrations for your birthdays. Happy Anniversary wishes for the week go out to Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Gribskov, Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hoven and Gene and Karen Healy.

BIG STEAM MEET--This weekend, starting Friday, will be the NW Steam Meet at the Elochoman Slough Marina. It sounds like this will be a busy place as they have a multitude of steam exhibits, from fixed items to cars and boats, and there will be a swap meet of steam items as well, so if you are interested in this old time type of thing, this is the place to come to from August 12-14.

REUNION MEETING--The all school reunion planning committee will hold a meeting this Saturday at the Julia Butler Hansen Heritage Center at 9:30 a.m. This will be the first of many so if you are unable to attend this one, don't worry, you can still contact Susan Kuhn and get your input out there to the masses at another time. The reunion will be held next year, not this year, on August 4 at Whkiakum High School with all the details to be worked out during these upcoming meetings. You can contact Susan online at as that is easiest for her. Or check out the Facebook page at the Mule Train All-School Reunion.

REUNION--Those of you who are going to be celebrating your 50th class reunion from WA-KI-HI, please remember to contact Jim Rodal at 360-742-0047 as your reunion will be taking place at Parker's Steak House in Longview on August 20 at 6 p.m. and a picnic will follow the next day at the Cathlamet (Erickson) City Park.

NEW BOOK--Sandra Cleveland Gibson and Teresa McNally are working together on a book about Skamokawa and I can hardly wait until it comes out. It will be full of stories and residents and facts and figures that you may have never heard before, so this should be a must for every household in Skamokawa. Even though I was not raised in this area, as I was an Island girl, I find all the history about our neighborhood pretty doggone interesting. I know that my Aunt Marian (Everest Healy) Vik lived in a little house down the road from me, way back when, and which is now on the property owned by the Bill Mahitkas, and there used to be a big dance hall just as you came into West Valley Road and of course, there was the West Valley school on the property that is currently owned by Susan Rawls, which is to the west of West Valley Road, so, things have changed quite a bit since the good ole days and all these little things and more will be included in this new book. If you have an interesting, unique story about this area or know some facts about who lived where and what used to be here, let me know, and I'll pass the information along as it won't be long and much of this information will be lost to us newcomers and that would be a real shame. Good luck girls on your endeavor!

NOT HAPPY--After hearing that we may lose our Skamokawa Post Office, there have been many outraged citizens around here, as it was only a few months ago that our post office was moved and refitted with a new look and a new lease in the Skamokawa Resort complex. If this study was already done by then, why did they allow it to be moved out of the store and money spent on this new place? If you'd like to write your concerns to someone, try telling the US Postal Service, in a letter, that we need to keep our post office. Mail it to P.O. Box 4029 Portland, OR 97208.

LOTS OF GOLF--If you're a golf lover, don't forget the Friendly Neighbors Golf Tournament going on August 14 and the Search and Rescue golf tournament on August 27. Contact the Skyline Golf Course for all the details on either one of these events.

CANCELLED--The Skamokawa Grangers cancelled their meeting last Monday evening due to conflicting schedules, but hopefully all will go well and we'll have our potluck meeting at the end of the month, August 22 at 6:30 p.m.

MORE LOSSES--Our community has sure taken a hit with the loss of folks from our area lately and so it's been a very sad time for many. Our sympathies to the families of Janet Kerstetter Cimino and Vickie Franscisco for their recent losses. Their services were held prior to this column coming out.

SUCCESS--The recent Vendors Market held at Skamokawa Vista Park was deemed a success by all who attended and most would like to do this again. Possibly a plan will be set in motion for it to occur next year at around the same time. I think this is just what campers like to see and gives them a little something extra to do while they are in our area. It promotes everyone who takes part in it and helps promote our local businesses, so I'd sure like to see it happen again. If you have any thoughts on this market, give me a call.


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