It looks like summer has actually arrived. Gardens are finally growing, farmers and making hay, and the sun is shining for more than a couple of hours a week. I guess we had better enjoy this break as it may be gone in a week, if Mother Nature stays true to form.
Speaking of haying, Darrel Sotka just pulled in with his mower to mow our fields. I hope he doesn’t get lost in the high grass.
Don’t forget the summer activities going on at the Timberland Library in Naselle. Summer is the perfect time to catch up on your reading, while sitting in a comfy chair in the sun or on a blanket in the shade. Reading is a wonderful, relaxing, learning experience. It can take you to any place you would like to be, so take advantage of your local library and enjoy a good book.
Other news from the Westend:
It’s Pig Roast time, this weekend. I’m sure many of the weekend campers are already setting up their tents and getting ready for the festivities and wonderful food and activities being served up at Echo Meadow, home of Poul and Zenaida Toftemark, located at 4491 SR 4 West between mile post 13 and 14, on the south side of the road.
Everyone is invited to join in a family friendly weekend, with games, swimming, canoeing, food and lots of fun. Saturday is the main attraction, with a whole pig roasted to perfection by Poul and his crew. When the pig is done (usually around 4 p.m.), a potluck dinner is served up buffet style. There is something for everyone, and the variety is always amazing.
Come stay the weekend or just for the day. Bring along your own chairs, beverages, a potluck dish or two to share, life jackets for swimming and boating, a friendly attitude, sunshine and be prepared to enjoy one of the best gatherings in the area. Poul and Zenaida have been doing this for 14 years, and it seems to get bigger and more fun every year. Thank you, dear friends for your community spirit and generosity. Looking forward to a great weekend with you.
The electrical inspection for the soon to be commercial kitchen in the Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park is complete. Now we need to finish up with some metal fabrication and plumbing for the dishwasher, which is in progress. Many thanks to Penny Gregory for taking the bull by the horns and pushing forward on this project. And to all the other volunteers, especially Steve and Linda Ramsay. Soon we will have a commercial kitchen, and can begin to do some fund-raising, and possibly some cooking classes.
The Community Computer Center and Grays River Valley Library are now one. The new hours for the combo are: Monday and Tuesday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., Thursday and Friday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The computers will be up and running during those hours however if you need individual help with your computer needs, please contact us at 465-2310 and we can make sure there is someone available to assist you. If you are new to computers and want to learn how to use them, there are tutorials available on each machine.
The Grays River Habitat Enhancement District will hold their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, the 10th in the Grays River Grange Hall at 6 p.m. These meetings are open to the public and landowners are encouraged to attend. Refreshments will be served.
The Wednesday Senior Lunch Bunch that meets at Rosburg Hall will enjoy meat trays, salads and dessert on the 10th. This group meets at noon every week to eat a nutritious meal and visit with friends. Thanks to Pat Potter and her volunteer crew for making this possible.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, senior lunches are also provided at the same location. These meals are sponsored by CAP.
Happy Birthday wishes go out to the following people this week: Austin Smith, Wendy Crozier, Merle Hall, Kylee Tarabochia, Anita Adair, Julie Shaw, Russell Wirkkala, Paige Torppa, Faith Miller, Sally Swanson, David Strong, Jeannine Johnson, Ed Boyle, Bob Torppa, Rob Dalton, Danielle Thompson, Carol Rose, Roxanne Didion, Chuck Hendrickson, Scott Johnson, Ryan Wirkkala and Jacob Pakenen.
A very special Happy Birthday to our beautiful granddaughter, Kaylee Turner from Stockton, Calif. as well.
Happy Anniversary to several couples this week including Tim and Angie Calvert, Harvey and Jeannine Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Corey Sherik, Michael and Cherilyn Phipps, Jon and Lori Dearmore, Edwin and Vivian Wirkkala, Jeff and Amber Eaton, Gary and Lori Hamp, Andy and Kristi Mattson and Derrill and Michal Corbin. Wishing you many more.
I want to wish my wonderful neighbor and dear friend, Virginia Wendelin a speedy recovery after spending a couple of days in hospital last week. I have spoken with her and she says it seems to take a little longer to get back on your feet as you get a little older. You are not getting older, Virginia, you’re getting better. Keep that optimistic and happy attitude everyone loves so much, and let me know if you need anything.
We are looking forward to a busy weekend with family and a few extra guests, thanks to our son, Carl. Daughter and son-in-law will be coming for the pig-roast from Redmond, Ore. and Carl has invited his girlfriend, Erica and a couple of his room mates as well. Since we have never met Erica, we are really looking forward to this visit.
On Monday, we are expecting our nephew, Mark Fredrickson and his wife Melissa to arrive from Yucca Valley, Calif. for a few days on their way to Idaho. They have never been here and I’m sure will enjoy the cooler weather. Hopefully, the sun will continue to shine while they are here.
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