Once again, I have to congratulate my staff for getting The Eagle out while I was on an unscheduled vacation last week.
Betsy, Geri and Caroline did a whale of a job picking up the loose ends. Ruby was on vacation, too, a planned vacation, and she's picked up a big load since she came back.
It's nice to know that the paper is in good hands. Not only does the publisher not have to worry, but our subscribers also have the best quality product coming to them that we can produce.
I use the term vacation loosely. I developed an infection in my leg, and after acting like it was going away, it migrated through my veins and arteries to my neck and shoulder, so off I went to what I call Hotel St. John. I spent a couple of very uncomfortable days as we identified the particular bacteria and lined up the appropriate antibiotic for it.
Six days inside a building should be enough to send me over the edge. I like to get out and about in the open air. Lucky for me, I had top notch care from the nurses and aides. I don't remember all their names, but Jamie, Traci, Kelly, Lynette, Sammi and Tyler were there for several days of high quality care. Of course, My wife, MaryAnn, spent a lot of hours with me, too.
In these days of dissension, it's nice to see organizations that still look out for their clients' best interests.
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