Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Countdown on for Smoky Water Follies

WET AND MUGGY--As this week began, we were back to raindrops off and on but some sun breaks made things steamy at times and it was pretty muggy on Monday really. Of course, anybody who has been fighting to get their lawn mowed between showers, knows that this is just the kind of weather that makes the ole grass grow before your eyes. They say we're going to get some summer like weather, and with summer officially starting next Tuesday, I'm sure we're all hoping that's true! It's almost impossible to get much done with only a day and a half of dry weather at a time, so here's to a lingering dry spell so that we can get those outside windows washed, the car cleaned out completely, inside and out, and have those flower beds weeded and garden all planted or weeded as well. Whew, I'm tired just thinking about all there is to do! But here's to good weather to do it in!

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from June 16-22 are Megan Doumit, Jackie Lindsey, Jason Ledtke, Megan Vincent, Bobby Helms, Danny Helms, Deloris Wages, Mike Paulsen Jr., Holly Moore, Lori Twiet, Dawn Wika, Erik Grasseth, Jerry DeBriae, Lorie Smith, Kay Holland, Angel Rose, Barbara Hanmore and Rhonda's to wonderful days for all of you this week.

Happy Anniversary wishes go out to Mr. and Mrs. Steve McClain, Mr. and Mrs.Gordon Souvenir, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery, Mark and Rhonda Pedersen and 67'er Elaine Rolf and husband Phil. Enjoy!

BIG WEEKEND--Yes indeed, this is Father's Day weekend and so I hope you've got something special planned for dad or hubby. Whatever you do, don't forget the special guys in your life, whether they're your dad, your uncle, grandpa, brother, son or husband. It's time for the men to be kings for a day!

VFW SALE--If you're looking for a good bargain this Friday and Saturday, head over to Puget Island and stop at Danny Eaton's place at 739 SR 409, which is just prior to the ferry landing on the left and you'll be able to enjoy this rummage sale that will be benefit veterans. If you have something to donate, call Danny right away at 849-4451 and he could pick them up.

COUNTING DOWN--For the cast of the fourth annual Smoky Water Follies, it's that time when costumes are being tossed about and lines are being added or changed and songs are being sung over and over, while band members play and blend and get that perfect sound down pat, so it's hustle time for cast and crew right now as they show starts next weekend, June 24-26! What are the Follies, you ask? Why it's a musical bonanza with songs from soloists to duets to quartets from back when that many of us recall, to comedy numbers and a short melodrama, always a dash, or huge splash, of comedy there, so it's bound to bring a smile to your face as well as some outright laughs! This all takes place at the Skamokawa Grange Hall, so we invite you to join us for one of our three performances. Tickets are on sale at the Bank of the Pacific (Cathlamet and Naselle), Moore's Auto Parts in Cathlamet and the Skamokawa Resort for just $10. Friday and Saturday shows are at 7:30 p.m., Sunday is 2 p.m.

SPONSOR?--If you'd like to be a sponsor for the Skamokawa Grangers Follies, we are selling line ads for just $10, or if you'd like a bigger spot in our playbill, then you could buy a $20 one. Your name and business will be included on our program and for the money, that's pretty cheap advertising to a lot of people. Call me today: 795-3425. Thanks for your support!

MUSEUM--I hope some of you will volunteer to man the museum for a day or two in the coming months, as the Wahkiakum Historical Society could sure use your help. Due to a number of circumstances, the museum is currently only open on weekends from 1 to 4 p.m. until October, so, if you can spare a few hours, please give Judy Brawn a call at 849-4452 and sign up.

30th ANNIVERSARY--Thirty years ago, on August 29, Port District Two held their formal dedication ceremony of Skamokawa Vista Park. The invocation was given by Reverend Everett Groves, with Port District two Chairman, Harry Steffen giving the welcome speech. Sheran Parker sang America the Beautiful and Julia Butler Hansen gave the dedication address as well lead the Marine dedication ceremony. Comments were also given by Ken Martin of the Skamokawa Park and Recreation District and Lynn Brown of the Soil Conservation spoke as well as Ron Taylor from the Interagency committee for Outdoor Recreation. Carlton E. Appelo gave the closing remarks as Cliff Weimer, director of the South County Community Choir, led the outdoor concert that day. The sponsoring organization were all four granges in the area at that time, (Skamokawa, Grays River, Puget Island and Elochoman) as well as Pomona Grange, the Lions Club, the Columbia Pacific Resource Conservation District, and the above mentioned groups that had speakers in the ceremony. As you can see, several of these folks are still in our area and some are even holding positions that they've held these past 30 years!

Now fast-forward: it's 30 years later, and the members of the group, mostly grangers, have put their heads together to plan the 30th anniversary celebration for Skamokawa Vista Park have met once again and things are still moving right along for this historic celebration, which will be held on July 30 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. We have multiple vendors, raffles, burgers made by the FFA kds and have a root beer floats made by the Historical Society as well as talented local vendors, who need our support. If you're into rummage sales, it looks like you'll have two to choose from. If you're in Cathlamet, you can head to the marina and catch the trolley and come down this way via the refuge road and take in the open house at Arnold Andersen's Inn at Skamokawa Landing before heading to the park.

It looks to be a wonderful day and we hope those that were there 30 years ago will be on hand that day to witness another important day in the history of Skamokawa Vista Park, our jewel on the Columbia!

MOVING UP--Next week I've got a couple of grandkids in the Seattle area who are going to be moving up, as one of them, Luke Sechler, is headed out of the grade school. Mom Katie has been a super volunteer and organizer for this school and was recently given an award recognizing all her work and dedication, so all her volunteerism. Granddaughter Tessa Sechler, who her middle school behind and goes to high school, another leap to a possibly different school than all her classmates. I'm sure the Sechler household will be abuzz with activities as they get ready for these big days next week. Congratulations to Luke and Tessa and here's to fun times in your new schools next year.

ANOTHER GRADUATION--The class of 2011 graduated last week from WA-KI-HI and I'd like to wish them a belated congratulations as I failed to mention them last week. Sorry about that. I wish for the best as this latest batch of graduates heads out into the world, and whether they are heading to the military or college or off to work, we hope they enter the world with enthusiasm, a willingness to learn, a good work ethic and an open mind. Good luck!

ALREADY PLANNING--The well-oiled machine that runs smooth and steady that is the Wahkiakum Dollars for Scholars group, is already planning for next year's big car show and sturgeon derby. They always meet soon after this event takes place so that they can go over what took place, what could be improved upon and of course, they'd like to hear constructive ideas and suggestions that could possibly improve upon this event. If you have a good idea or suggestion, let someone in the group know; Lee Tischer would be open to hear your thoughts I'm sure, so give him a call at 360-430-4377.


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