Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Free movie night this Saturday

HALF NICE--The first half of the Easter holiday weekend was great as the sun was shining and it even warmed up quite a bit on Saturday; great for the Lion's Club Easter Egg Hunt and for those who were enjoying family gatherings. However, on Easter morning, we woke up to wet roads and drizzle and then as the day went on, some heavy downpours. I hope everyone got to get out and enjoy the dry half of your Easter weekend!

THIS SATURDAY--Whether you are young or old, if you'd like to check out some 4-H activities, head to Johnson Park in Rosburg and get in on some fun things like making stepping stones, towel art, cheese making, etc. Several classes are available with registration beginning at 8:30 a.m., and classes from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. There is no cost for this program but donations are gladly excepted. This is open to everyone and not just 4-H members. Call 795-3278 for more information, leave a message if necessary. If you've got access to a computer, contact Carrie at

THIS SATURDAY EVENING--The free movie at the Skamokawa Grange Hall is this Saturday a 7 p.m. We hope everyone will come and see The Princess Bride and enjoy some popcorn too. Spread the word, tell your friends and we hope to see you there to view the short movie by the 4-H kids and then the main show, it's a swash-buckling good movie. Come and enjoy the evening out for free!

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from April 28-May 4 are Connie Luthi, Robert Meyer, Ricky Montgomery, Sweet Pea Snow, Marie Snow, Connor Emlen-Petterson, Shannon McClain, Jeff Ostling, Orville D. Lindsey, Mary Vik, Wally Wright, Marcia Woody, Caren Chandler, Aaron Bernard and grandson Austin Good. Belated birthday wishes to Emma Keithley who turned four recently.

Happy Anniversary wishes to Erval and Carol Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsey, Mr. and Mrs. Treasure Collupy and Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Freeman.

TIME IS FLYING--We are headed into another month as of Sunday. Whew, the time is just flying by this year as here comes May already. One of the most important days of this month is Mother's Day, so whatever you do, don't forget that special lady in your life on May 8! Check out the baskets at Skamokawa Gardens or head to Redmen Hall and check out the unique gifts and wide array of books there.

This Sunday at 1 p.m. there will be a short reading and book-signing by Robert Pyle for the re-release of his book, "The Thunder Tree." Get a book signed by Bob, one of our local talents, and that would make a great gift idea for Mother's Day as well.

MORE MAY DOINGS--On May 4, you may want to go to the "Reading is Family Fun" event from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at J.A. Wendt Elementary School multi-purpose room, where Jacquelyn Keith will talk about "How Parents Can Help Their Kids be Better Readers." The school, Kiwanis Club and Cathlamet Library are putting this program on in order to show how important it is to interact with your kids by reading to them and how to have a fun reading event for kids. Come out for pizza, books, prizes and fun and get your child on the fast track to reading more with help from their parents.

If you're a golfer, contact the Skyline Golf Course to see about their seven day Hawaiian vacation sponsored by the Riverview Restaurant this May 1 during their Sunday Scramble. Another big golf event is on May 21 with a possible $10,000 winner if you make that hole in one at the right time! Call 795-8785 for all the information about these golfing events and prizes.

IMPORTANT GRANGE FB MEETING--On May 2, at 7 p.m., both the Grays River Grange and the Skamokawa Grange will meet at the Skamokawa Grange hall to discuss the upcoming changes in the fair food booth. This is really an important meeting for all members to attend. We are looking for a new chairperson for this major fundraiser. If you'd like to take on this position, or know someone who would, plan on attending this meeting Monday evening. Suggestions for the food booth? New menu items? Give me a call and I'll pass along your suggestions.

GRANGE MEETINGS--The usual Skamokawa Grange meetings will be on May 9 and May 23, which are the second and fourth Mondays of the month. The Grays River Grange meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. While they are doing some fixing up down at their grange, they have opted not to hold their usual pre-meeting dinner, but once they get it all fixed up, I'm sure they'll be having quite a feast. It will be looking really great when they're done!

SHIP SURPRISE--It was not a good end to last week for the ship, "Susaki Wing" that lost propulsion and ran into a building, a barge and the Wauna dock last Friday evening. After a phone call from John Gustafson, I got to hear about it almost immediately after it happened as he and wife Mary were visiting friends on Puget Island when it took place and got to go out on the river in a boat and check out the mess at Wauna first hand. While things were disrupted for a while at the mill while they made some emergency fixes, the mill is still in operation and work continues.

EASTER DOINGS--I heard from a few 67'ers about what they did on their Easter weekend and both Sherrolin Mace Powell and Enid Martin Fountain had their day revolve around kids, the grandkids, good dinners and a good day. Sherrolin said her yard is layered with "pink snow" as the pear blossoms bloom and it looked really pretty but their Easter egg hunt was a wash out.

This 67'er spent the weekend at the home of Bill's aunt and uncle, Joy and Joe Chamberlain, whose kids all got together and helped them celebrate their 80th and 90th birthdays, so there was quite a big group of family there. The group met earlier in the year to help Dick celebrate his 80th birthday in Vale, Ore., so they've all reached milestone birthdays in recent years.

I heard rumblings of changes for the usual Easter ham dinner next year from several, but I know that there was a break from tradition already as Lori Parke cooked up a big turkey feast last weekend and she and Greg were enjoying having son Kris home to enjoy it with them. Sounded good to me! I think there was another KC who I heard mention "prime rib" for dinner next year--now that sounds good as well!

John and Sharon Buennagel took their girls, Abby and Sara, on an Easter weekend trip to Ocean Shores where they took advantage of the sunshine and enjoyed some well deserved R & R.

WELCOME--We'd like to welcome Sara and Evan to the area as they try their hand at farming and raising their own groceries. We'll be anxious to hear how they fare in their endeavors. It seems there are many young couples who are eager to do some farming but need the land to do it on, so if you happen to have some farmland that you aren't using, give me a call and I'll put you in touch with some folks who would like to go to work and make a go of it. Also, Jay and Gladys Mace have moved into the Skamokawa area, so we want to welcome them to our "little, big town" as well.


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