Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Board adopts drug testing policy

The Wahkiakum School District Board of Directors adopted Wednesday evening a policy offering students thought to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol the opportunity to provide a urine specimen for drug testing.

The board also updated the policy's practices for handling students suspected of being under the influence to include language offering the opportunity to provide a urine sample for testing.

Superintendent Bob Garrett said he had discussed the policy with Prosecuting Attorney Dan Bigelow and that the policy had changed a little since discussed at the last board meeting.

The title had changed, he said, and language had been modified to say that staff will "offer the opportunity to provide" a urine sample, not that staff "want the student to provide" a sample. In other words, a student may request a test to prove he or she isn't using drugs or alcohol.

"It makes it very clear we are not mandating urine analysis for anyone," Garrett said.

The policy states that the district's intent is to encourage students to avoid use of drugs or alcohol.

Few people attended the meeting to comment on the policy. Previous news reports and the district's website had said the board "may" act on the policy at the meeting. Garrett said the high school sent a phone message through the district's notification line the previous night to tell students' families the policy was on the agenda.

"It's the eighth consecutive time on the agenda," he said. "We invited all parents to come and talk about it. Eight months is sufficient time for input."

Members of the Wahkiakum Community Network, who had first proposed the policy, did attend to support the policy.

"We appreciate the call," said WCN Executive Director Tammy Peterson.

The policy, number 3516, says:

" Over the past several years we have accumulated data, primarily by student survey, that indicates that a significant number of our youth participate in at-risk behaviors involving alcohol and other drugs while at school and/or school events. Most recently, at our September, 2010, school board meeting a group of students made a presentation to the Board, in which the students described the problem as “serious and needing prompt attention.” In addition, our county community network has identified teen substance abuse as one of its top three priorities in need of addressing.

"The Board believes that a policy including the potential use of drug testing for students who exhibit signs of being under the influence while at school and/or school events will help those students remain drug free. In addition to providing a strong reason for students to say “NO” to drug use, testing also offers incentive for students using controlled substances to seek help. The Board believes in a program that is preventive, educational, and diagnostic rather than just punitive or disciplinary.

"The Superintendent is directed to enact a drug testing program for all Wahkiakum students who exhibit signs of being under the influence of controlled substances while at school and/or school events. No student showing signs of being under the influence will be required to provide a urine specimen, however they will be offered the opportunity to provide one.

"The Board of Directors believes this policy sends the strongest message possible to students and the community that illicit drug use is not acceptable and will not be tolerated at Wahkiakum Schools. It also provides an avenue of assistance for those students wishing to “get free” and/or “stay free” from drugs."

The policy may be found on the district's website at:

The associated procedural policy, number 3516P, may be found at:


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