A slow start to spring salmon season has impacted port district revenues, Wahkiakum Port District No. 1 commissioners learned at their April 14 meeting.
“We’re about $26,000 down (for the year),” said port Manager Jackie Lea.
She attributed the decline to a slow start to spring salmon season in March and bad weather. She noted that the season reopened from April 8 to 15, but with SR 4 closed at that time because of a slide, business remained slow.
Lea also reported to the commissioners that work on F Dock is almost finished.
Further work needs to occur on F Dock and E Dock, said Commissioner Larry Bonds. He suggested that the port district borrow the money to complete the project all at once and pay it off over time, rather than breaking the project into smaller sections.
The commissioners authorized Lea to research financing options for borrowing up to $275,000.
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