Wahkiakum County commissioners appointed two persons Tuesday to fill vacancies on the county Real Property Rights Advisory Board.
The board was formed late last year in response to citizen interest in land use issues that surfaced in 2010.
Since forming, the board has been meeting once a month; a meeting is scheduled tonight (Thursday), 7 p.m., in the commissioners' meeting room of the courthouse in Cathlamet.
The board's powers and duties are:
--To review and provide comments on plans and policies developed by the county authority with effect on real property rights of county residents;
--To advise the board of commissioners on matters relating to real property rights;
--To recommend individuals to the county commission for positions on the board, and
--To adopt bylaws for the conduct of its business.
The board has adopted bylaws which call for at least one meeting per calender quarter. Two of every three meetings are to be in the courthouse, the third is to be held at the Johnson Park facility in Rosburg.
The board consists of nine members, two from each county commissioner district and three at large.
Commissioners on Tuesday appointed Raven Webb and Robert Davis to fill vacant positions. Lily Kolditz of Cathlamet, who has served as chair, has resigned to go on a church mission, and Art Hyland of Rosburg has taken over as chair.
Members are:
District 1--Bud Condrey and Dennis Gordon.
District 2--Jerry Hogan and vacant.
District 3--Charles Hendrickson and Webb.
At large--Hyland, Davis and Sulema Zerr.
The county commission is accepting applications from a District 2 resident to take Kolditz's place.
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