Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Smokey the Bear pays a visit

Is it ever going to really be spring, or is it already over? Then where is summer? I haven’t even seen a trillium on our property yet. I do have a couple of hummingbirds back, finally. Looks like another rainy week. I guess we really shouldn’t complain too bitterly though, things could be worse, as many in other parts of the world can attest to.

News from Naselle:

Sports for the coming week include: Thursday- high school track meet at home at 3 p.m .; fast pitch and baseball vs. Quinalt in Naselle at 3 p.m .; Monday, fast pitch and baseball at Warrenton at 3 p.m.

Naselle-Grays River Valley School students will be on spring break next week. Classes will resume on April 11. Have a great vacation kids.

Naselle’s 1st grade class had an informative visit from Dave Gufler of DNR and Smokey Bear. They learned some important safety tips, such as having adults build a fire away from tents, trees, and anything else combustible, dig a 10 foot area down to the soil and circle it with rocks, never put anything on the fire except wood, keep a bucket and shovel nearby, and never leave a fire unattended. When it’s time to put the fire out, dump lots of water on it, stir it, and make sure it is cold before leaving the campsite. They were reminded that Smokey’s friends never play with matches, lighters, or anything else that can cause a fire, and promised to get a grown-up if these things are found.

Naselle Timberland Library presents Beverly Cleary Guessing Contest, April 1-30 for kids. Guess the Beverly Cleary character names on the Ramona and Friends poster "Libraries are for Everyone," on view at the library. Get them all correct and win a prize. The winners will be announced May 3. This Read-Aloud event is part of a Timberland Regional Library district-wide program. For more information call (360) 484-3877.

Lego™ Play, at the Naselle Timberland Library will take place from 2-3 p.m. on April 6 for all ages. Build your favorite Beverly Cleary character out of Legos™, have your picture taken with your creation, and see it during the month of April in the library's display case.

A reminder that the new Finnish-American Folk Band Kaivama will be touring West Coast-Performances in Astoria, Tacoma, and Eugene. Locally, on April 9 they will be performing at Suomi Hall, 244 W. Marine Dr., Astoria. The concert will take place from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. followed by an intermission when the attendees can meet the band and purchase CDs as well as enjoy beverages and cardamom bread. At 9 p.m. -11 p.m. concert goers can dance to the Scandinavian Country Band. Enjoy the whole evening for $10adults and $5 students. For more information call 503-791-9156.

For more information on other concerts by Kaivama, on the west coast, you can call 612-382-5299.

An early reminder to mark your calendars for April 30. That’s the date for the annual Lutheran Church Salad Luncheon and Sale. This year, Alfred Simukka has over 450 tomato plants started for the event sale. More details to follow in coming columns.

Other news from the Westend:

As most of you know by now, the road leading to the Grays River Hatchery (Shannon Road), took a bit of a slide over the weekend. With occupied homes at the hatchery site and several private residences in between the slide and the highway, I must say our county crew is doing a great job, trying to get at least one lane open for access to those folks. I walked up there on Monday, and it was pouring down rain, but the crew was slogging around in the mud trying to get a water line repaired and a culvert installed. My hat’s off to you guys. Thank you. You don’t get enough praise from the public for the work you do under the conditions you do it. This job would be a whole lot easier for them if there weren’t so much agency interference, as well.

The annual Chicken Dinner at the Rosburg Hall, sponsored by the Rosburg Community Club, will be held on April 10 from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. $10 for Adults, $5 for kids six years to 12 years and $2 for kids under six years. Get a wonderful home cooked chicken dinner with the famous salad bar and awesome desserts available at the end of the meal.

The Rosburg Community Club is a non profit organization and has maintained the Rosburg Hall for many years, making it available for many community functions. They also maintain the Rosburg cemetery, and give scholarships to local students. Proceeds from this event will be used to continue their work. If you are interested in becoming a part of this hard working group, they meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month and would love to have you join them, at 7 p.m.

Welcome home to Poul and Zenaida Toftemark of Rosburg. Zenaida has been in the Philippines for several months now and Poul has been there several weeks before returning home. Apparently they both enjoyed the sunshine and warm weather while they were there as we had a bit of frost just after they returned. It’s great to have the two of you home again. And thank you for the beautiful bromeliad plant that you brought over to us.

It’s still a bit early to think about the 27th annual White Tail Run sponsored by the Wahkiakum County based 4-H programs, but not too early for getting into shape for the 10K, 5K or 2 mile run through the Julia Butler Hansen National Wildlife Preserve in Skamokawa. This year’s event will take place on May 21 and again your four legged canine friends are invited to join you in a special classification, with a few restrictions. Flyers are available throughout the county, with pre-registration info and fees. For more information, you can also call 360 465-2275 or 360 795-3278.

Due to the high cost of fuel and building maintenance, the Johnson Park Advisory Board is requesting that if you attend a function, even on a regular basis, it would be great if you donated at least $1 each time. There are donation cans and boxes located in all the areas open to the public, and it would really help defray the costs. This is your park and building, and so far it is self sustaining; costs are rising rapidly and it would be nice to be ahead of the game for next winter’s high bills. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

The Wednesday Senior Lunch Bunch that meets at Rosburg Hall will enjoy a home made chicken casserole with veggies, hot rolls and dessert on April 6. Join your neighbors for a great lunch and some good company. Thank you Pat Potter and your volunteer crew.

The Rosburg Senior Community Lunches sponsored by CAP are also served at Rosburg Hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Seniors are welcomed for a nutritious meal served by a great volunteer crew. These are two wonderful venues for seniors to get in a little socializing and great food.

Birthdays being celebrated this coming week include Trudy Nelson, Cynthia Clark, Merlin Durrah, Candy Johnson, Cheyenne Engelson, Julie Larson, Trina Mennen, Christi Wirkkala, Brian Peters, Chris Magnuson, Amy Olson, Arlene Nelson, Taylor Wasmundt, Jenni Isaak, Jessica Pearson, David White, Karli Nelson, Nathan Forbes, Nicholas Stewart, Napolian Stewart, Todd Calvert, Ron Legler, Colin Rose, Kyle Strange, Jackie Stanley, Cary Bloom, Sloan Stewart, Deborah Scharenberg, Gabriel Gilbert, Kelsey Heriot, Brittany Liberatore, Dewey Adair, Brenda Rose, Norman Sotka, Lance Gray and Gwen Angstrom. Happy Birthday everyone.

Happy Anniversary wishes go out to the following couples this week: Larry and Marilyn Sherk, Dean and Junea Brannon and Kyle and Lisa Donlon. Wishing you many more.

Speaking of anniversaries, I had a call from Clara Berkshire and she tells me that she and Walt will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on April 2. They will be taking a cruise to Alaska in honor of that milestone in their life together at a later date, and will be joined by their son, Dan Berkshire and his wife Cindy as well as their daughter, Lorinda and her husband James Alexander. Congratulations on your 50 years together.

Had a wonderful weekend with some of our kids. Not much got done on the house, but lots of visiting. Son Shane, home from Iraq on leave, and his wife Delena and son Emmett made it by on Saturday, so had my kid fix for this week. Such a cutie. It was really nice to see Carl, our youngest son, as we haven’t visited with him since Christmas. Son Don and daughter-in-law Natalie were also here from Bend, Ore.


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