Michael Sullivan, judge
March 21
State versus Lisa Irene Moody and State versus Karl van Kleek Moody: The defendants are charged with second degree theft. The state claims they used a Cathlamet Fire Department credit card to buy gasoline for personal use. The court has granted a request for a change of venue; a jury trial will be held May 9-11 in South Bend.
State versus Clayton Richard Olsen: The defendant pled guilty to charges of harassment and making threats to kill. He was ordered to serve four months in jail on the threats charge and 365 days in jail on the harassment charge; the 365 days were suspended for two years on condition that he complete a chemical dependency treatment program and meet other conditions of probation. He was also ordered to pay a $500 Crime Victim Compensation (CVC) Fund assessment, $230 court costs, $100 felony DNA collection fee, and the cost of his court appointed attorney.
State versus Rich Charles Mueller: The defendant had been found guilty of a charge of theft; he was ordered to serve 365 days in jail with 169 suspended, and he was ordered to pay $230 court costs, a $500 CVC assessment and the costs of his court appointed attorney.
State versus Richard Stone: Following an evaluation by psychologists at Western State Hospital, the court entered an order finding that Stone wasn't competent to stand trial on the charges facing him, and the court ordered his return to Western State for a maximum of 90 days for treatment until he is ready to stand trail. He is charged with residential burglary, malicious mischief, animal cruelty, killing a pet animal, and two counts of theft.
In reference to the marriage of Diana Leigh Justice, petitioner, and Alan Glen Justice, respondent, the court entered a decree of dissolution of marriage and changed the wife's name to Diana L. Rowley.
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