Naselle-Grays River School Board members approved an overnight senior trip and heard an update from a Facilities Committee representative at their meeting March 15.
District Superintendent Dr. Rick Pass introduced Scott Beaulaurier to report to the board on the Facilities Committee’s work. Beaulaurier recently stepped down from chairing the committee after 13 years of service, Pass said.
Beaulaurier explained that part of the work of the committee is to establish a five-year plan of projects. Some items have been completed, including establishing a seal coat schedule for parking areas, monitoring facility air quality, and creating a visitor parking area.
The committee’s plan for this year and next includes preparation work for a levy to be voted on by the community in spring 2012.
School board members Ed Darcher and Hollis Fletcher were appointed to the committee. Pass announced four community members have indicated their interest in serving on the committee and invited others to contact him or board members. Community members are also invited to join a building bond committee.
Students from the senior class attended the meeting to ask the board to approve an overnight trip. They have selected two possible destinations – Portland or Kah-Nee-Tah Hot Springs Resort in Central Oregon. Class members have raised funds through fundraisers and working in the concessions stand during school activities.
For several years, senior classes have not gone on a senior trip. Pass said the administrative team recommended approval provided no senior skip day – a usually unsanctioned event when students spend time together rather than attending school - occurs.
“I have safety concerns,” said Pass. “Most of the time nothing happens, but if you get a group of kids together without supervision sometimes poor choices get made. As a team we decided if they want to do this, senior skip day can’t happen.”
Several students commented in favor of the senior skip day tradition, noting that with parental approval such a day would qualify as an excused absence.
The board approved the trip but warned that if a senior skip day still takes place, it might influence their decisions about future classes.
The board announced that they had approved a two-year contract with the teaching staff. Pass emphasized that it is a rollover contract with no increases in wages.
The board held a discussion on facility use by community members and received input from people that attended the meeting. They decided to convene a study group with interested community members, staff, and school board representatives. The study group will develop a recommendation to present to the board.
Pass reported that 24 students are enrolled in the district’s new virtual academy program. The program is expected to grow substantially next fall.
Principal Karen Wirkkala reported that the science fair open house will be March 29 from 7-8:30 p.m.
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