NOT BAD--I was expecting a wet weekend, but thankfully, we got a pretty nice couple of days, which is always a nice surprise. With one forecaster saying dry one day and wet the next and others saying showers off and on both days, it was nice to see that they were both wrong! In the last part of the week, they had even said no sun on one day, as the sun was streaming through my window, so hey, I was enjoying every bit of their incorrect forecast! Sunday night saw temperatures dive below freezing, which I hadn't heard was going to happen, but with the clear blue skies the next day, who cared? The sun was shining and it made the frost that covered everything Monday morning, sparkle like a sea of diamonds--very pretty! However, showers are expected all this week, and have showed up as I wrap this up Tuesday morning, but we can always hope they are wrong in saying they will be here all week.
CRAB FEED--The good weather kept the folks at Rosburg Hall quite happy, as the line was getting long outside and while it was a bit nippy if you had to stand in line too long, it was much better than standing in the rain or snow showers as we've had to do in the past. Needless to say, the crab feed was a success and it was fun to have a bunch of newbies there with us, as we enjoy seeing the looks on their faces as the dash for just the right table begins and the trays of oysters come out and the place gets pretty quiet as the cracking of the crab and the eating begins, such fun! We had six members of the Skamokawa grange show up as first timers and they all said they had a great time.Most were even seen out on the floor taking in a dance or two, which was great. The chicken dance is always a big hit with young and old alike. We made sure we told all our new folks that all the money goes to a good cause, so win or lose, the purchasing of the raffle tickets was a good investment. However, when the raffle began, we had two people from our table win something, so they were pumped about that and were pretty happy I encouraged them to buy, buy, buy those tickets! Kudos to all the folks who set this up and as I went through the food line, I saw a lot of new faces, so that was great.
NORSE HALL--The Wahkiakum Chamber hosts its annual crab and oyster feed at the Norse Hall on Puget Island this Saturday. Give the Chamber a call to see if there are still tickets available--795-6999. They have three seatings, so you may just be able to get in to one of them. Good luck and happy eating! Don't forget to bring your crab cracking tools and special dipping sauces, as some are provided but if you're like us, we like to bring that melted garlic butter that makes the crab and oysters even better. Yum!
SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from March 10-16 are Quin Bassi Sr., Mark Whittaker, Teah McNally, Rhiannon McNally, Mary Cothren, Kelly Zink, Paul Ehrensberger, Larry Bonds, Carson Cothren, Gretchen Meyer, Steve McKinney, Colin Stewart, Kim Nettles, Susie Cothren, Al Harris, Lucy Bosch, Amy Bernard and Gene Healy. Here's wishing all of you the happiest of birthdays!
A very special, and unfortunately, late birthday wish goes out to Margaret Burt who turned 103 recently. I'm thinking she is Cathlamet's oldest resident but if someone knows of someone older, please let me know. At any rate, Happy belated Birthday Margaret.
WEAR GREEN--Don't forget that next Thursday is St. Paddy's Day and we'll all want to be wearing some green that day or risk getting a pinch, so drag out that shamrock necklace or bracelet or shirt or tie and get in the spirit of the Irish! I'm sure there will be Irish type food specials and drink specials at your local eateries, so join in the fun and think green! With this holiday coming up, it means we're in the middle of yet another month. Wow, time is just flying by once again!
MEETING--The Skamokawa Grangers will hold their meeting this Monday evening at 7 p.m. As we've got several things going on this year, it's important that we get some things decided. The new officers will have some things to mull over and get settled. We'll be busy shortly with a free movie night for the community, then we'll be getting things ready to be entered in the state grange contests, which are open to the public by the way, then we'll be very busy with the Follies, our three day musical revue, then the Vista Park 30th anniversary celebration, then the food booth at the fair, besides our entries there and then, why, it will be time for the Christmas dinner before you know it on that second Saturday in December, so we've got some work to do for sure! I think there might be a few things in between there too, so keep an eye out for those events as well.
FOLLIES CALL--Remember, if you'd like to be in the musical revue that is going to be held June 24-26, please give Sunrise Fletcher a call, 795-8770.
CALL FOR EXHIBITORS/VENDORS--For those interested in showing their wares or having an informational booth of some kind at the Vista Market on July 30, you need to contact Vista Park or Kayrene Gilbertsen at 849-4421 real soon, as the March 31 deadline is coming up fast.
GREAT SHOWING--One of our local artists, Mike Rees, was recently featured in a great article in the Daily News concerning his latest photography exhibit at the Broadway Gallery in Longview. Mike has branched out from some of the earlier works, so if you'd like to see some of his new, spectacular photos, head to Longview and check them out. The exhibit will be there until the end of the month. If you don't get to see any of his works at the gallery, I'm sure you'll be able to catch some of Mike's photos at our county fair this year. He's got a real knack for catching his subjects at that just right moment!
NICE AND WARM--While we were enduring snow, hail, rain and wind a couple weeks ago, the Pete Sechler family was basking in the sunshine in Hawaii and loving every minute of it. My son's family of six stayed in a place on the western coast of Maui and had great fun as they swam and snorkeled with sea turtles just steps from their room and dined on all the fresh seafood they could want, as well as enjoy all the sights in the area, while soaking up some sunshine. It seems everyone I have talked to recently has been headed off to, or just returned from some warm place; a lot of which have been to Hawaii and others were in Vegas, so "sunshine and swimming pools" seemed to be on the favorite list for places to go lately for us cold and shivering Washingtonians.
NEW/OLD HOME--You may have heard by now, but the Skamokawa Post Office will be moving before too long--right next door! This will expand the store for the new owners, while putting the post office back in its original building. This post office will be all shiny new inside thanks to Bjorge Construction Co. and will even be handicapped accessible, which it has not been before. So, we'll be anxious to see the new outlay of our post office, as well as the store.
SPRING FORWARD--It seems hard to believe but Daylight Savings Time is here already and so be prepared to lose an hour of sleep this Saturday night, as clocks should be set an hour ahead before you go to bed. You'll be able to tell those that forgot as they'll be the ones late for church Sunday morning!
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