To The Eagle:
During the last week of March 2010, I purchased a mattress from a store in Kelso for the sum of about $500. This mattress was purchased with the thought that it would be beneficial to my wife as she suffers from an arthritic spine. For a few months all went well. In early autumn my wife started to complain about the mattress being uncomfortable. Finally in December, we inspected the mattress. There was an almost two inch sag in the mattress.
We then contacted the store about this problem. We were told that we had to have photographs and then to submit a claim. This we did. We received no resolution to our problem. In February we were given the phone number of the manufacturer in Newburg, Ore. In reply we received a copy of their warranty and a warranty claim form.
Two salient facts appear in their warranty. The first is that they proudly explain that it expected that their mattress will have at least a one and a half inch sag. The second is that their warranty is void unless a matching foundation is purchased from them. This claim is disputed by a label on the mattress, we would have to pay the shipping charges both ways which possibly could be about $200.
Well, we can either agree to the shipping charges if they deign to repair our mattress or take our original loss and buy another mattress. If we send this mattress to the manufacturer my wife is left with the alternative of finding somewhere else to sleep or sleeping on the box spring. Then we would wind up with a repaired mattress that still would have an inch and a half sag according to the manufacturer.
One alternative I have thought of is to keep the mattress in storage and advertise that I would rent it out to anyone who has unwanted guests. After two nights on the saggy mattress they would probably leave.
In conclusion, I would ask you all to join with me to say a great hurrah to the mattress company for their new technology in developing the saggy mattress.
Hubert Wicklund
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