To The Eagle:
I want to thank Mr. Kimmel for his letter (The Eagle December 16, 2010) entitled “Vendetta” and addressed to me. My thanks and that of many people in Wahkiakum County go to Mr. Kimmel for reminding all of us that the management of Cathlamet’s Fire Department and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) needs to be addressed. The managers of our FD and EMS still have not answered my questions (The Eagle December 9, 2010) or inquiries of the mayor or city council, thus avoiding transparency.
A small but relevant oversight by the FD/EMS bookkeeper was in submitting a bill for $40 an hour, when the standard rate is $20. This bill was questioned by the city council and withdrawn. While the fiscal management, oversight and accounting practices of the FD/EMS is still be being evaluated and being transferred to the City’s Clerk/Treasurer, it is ironic the FD/EMS managers question the time she will spend on FD/EMS business (The Eagle January 6, 2011).
My career is based on “stirring the pot” by finding, presenting and discussing facts; facts change with time and with new knowledge. The FD/EMS managers are lawyers, they know the law and know that new laws/regulations replaced the 1932 document they tried to pass-off as their authority to control the FD/EMS; does this display ignorance or do they think we are all too slow?
Mr. Kimmel mentioned the U.S. Constitution. I and other citizens are wondering if the FD/EMS managers will invoke the U.S. Constitution as their authority to control the FD/EMS.
The suggestion was made that I do “more constructive things for the city and/or county.” I agree and in a few ways I am trying to give more back to society. However, one important interest and passion now in my life is to address and bring better governance to the city and county and address the judicial justice system in Wahkiakum County. I guess I am into politics and hopefully as a worthy candidate.
I want nothing to do with a vendetta and hate, but again I thank Mr. Kimmel for his interest in our mutual interests.
Dennis T. Gordon
Puget Island
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