Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Valentine Smorgasbord Sunday at High School

News from Naselle:

Congratulations, Naselle Lady Comettes Basketball team, on being Pacific League champions!

Naselle sports schedule for the coming week includes Thursday-high school boys basketball vs. PeEll at Montesano at 8 p.m .; Saturday-high school girls basketball at Montesano at 1 p.m .; Monday-middle school boys basketball at Ocosta at 5:45 p.m.

The Naselle School Board will meet on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday will be an in-service day and students will be released from classes early at 12:30 p.m.

Students at Naselle recited poetry (grades 1-5) and speeches (grades 6-8) in the preliminaries of their annual elocution contest this week. Areas of poise, audibility, enunciation, retention, expression and delivery were scored by judges. The top three in each grade advance to the finals tomorrow (Friday) at 6 p.m. in the Naselle School Commons. The public is invited. Come and enjoy an evening of entertainment and ability.

It’s the weekend before Valentine’s Day and time for the annual Valentine Smorgasbord sponsored by the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary. This wonderful event will again take place at the Naselle High School on Sunday from 11:30 a.m. to 2p.m. All you can eat salads, main dishes, home made pies and cakes, what more could you ask for? Adults, $10, pre-teens, $6 and under six, $2. This luncheon is prepared and served by the American Legion Auxiliary from Deep River Post 111, and all proceeds will benefit veterans' needs, local scholarships and charities.

Other news from the Westend:

Just a reminder that Wahkiakum county commissioners and Lewis county commissioners will be meeting with Department of Ecology today (Thursday) at 1:30 p.m. in the public meeting room of the Cowlitz County Museum located at 405 Allen Street in Kelso. This meeting is a workshop to discuss biosolids.

According to state law the DOE has the authority to regulate application of biosolids in Washington State. However, federal law mandates that if any unit of local government, often identified as any separate tax raising unit of government , i.e. school district, road district, fire district, diking and flood control districts, as well as counties and towns, requests “coordination” with an agency, it must do so, by law, before moving forward with the issue being discussed.

In this particular case, the Grays River Habitat Enhancement District presented Kyle Dorsey, Department of Ecology, with a written request for coordination at the hearing on biosolids last April 28. Subsequently, two more letters were sent to him, with applicable WACs and RCWs along with several dates for a meeting. In each letter it was spelled out, “The issue to be coordinated is the dumping of biosolids on a farm located on Covered Bridge Road in Grays River which lies in a flood plain and has the potential to pose a risk to fish, farms, economics and people."

Those requests were rejected and in their final summary of the permit to spread “septic sludge” on the Zerr farm in Grays River, they said that the District hadn’t given them an agenda or any expected outcome for the coordination meeting.

The meeting scheduled for today in Kelso may not allot time for public comment, however it should be an informational meeting.

In last week’s column I noted a change in the Grays River Valley Library (at Johnson Park) hours, and put the wrong hours in. The correct hours are: Wednesday through Friday from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Until we get the consolidation with the computer center done, we will continue with this schedule. Once we complete that task, we should be able to increase hours of use for both venues. Any questions, or to volunteer, please contact me at 465-2960.

We are seeing some progress in the kitchen at Johnson Park. The dishwashing area has been cleaned and painted and awaits the new dishwasher that was donated by the Holy Cross Catholic Church in Tacoma. We still need to pick it up, and then install it. Are you or do you know a licensed plumber or electrician who would like to volunteer or work cheaply so that we can get this part of our project completed?

A huge thank you to Wahkiakum High School for their donation of 12 sewing machines and their cabinets to Johnson Park. We hope to begin some sewing classes as well as other “survival skills” to the community.

Johnson Park now has a piano for use in the cafeteria, donated by Mark and Chris Zimmerman. Thanks to Susan Burkhalter and Carol Ervest for getting it delivered to the park by Austin Burkhalter and company. The piano has been tuned, and is ready to be used for events. Thanks to all who were involved in this project.

Another note from Johnson Park—we need some help for a few projects! We are looking to put together a work party for the following activities (more will be added): 1. A big garbage run; 2. Computer recycling trip; 3. Other moving/cleaning (inside and outside); 4. Weeding, hedge trimming and other outside sprucing up. Please contact Cynthia Lahti if you can help with any of these activities.

I spoke with Norm Bolton at the Rosburg Store and he wanted me to let everyone know that the store now accepts food stamps and travel vouchers. Be sure and let them know if you are interested in home delivery services. It’s nice to have our little store open again. Thanks, Bolton family.

Don’t forget your special Valentine this week. Why not make it a special evening and check out the Valentine Diamond Dinner on Saturday night? Each ticket comes with a raffle ticket to win a beautiful diamond necklace, and you can purchase other tickets for lots of wonderful raffle prizes. Enjoy a delicious dinner, music and good company with your “sweetheart” while benefitting our Wahkiakum County Fair. The dinner will be held at the Skamokawa Grange Hall from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

The Wednesday Senior Lunch Bunch that meets at Rosburg Hall will enjoy spaghetti, green salad, garlic bread and dessert on the 16th. Congratulations to Pat and William Potter, who will celebrate their anniversary this week. Pat and her volunteer crew serve up this weekly lunch to our local seniors, with a smile. Always an enjoyable experience.

The Rosburg Senior Community Lunches also meet on Tuesday and Thursday at the Rosburg Hall and are sponsored by CAP. Their menus for the coming week include: Thursday, the 10th-sweet and sour pork, brown rice, stir fry veggies and apple crisp; Tuesday, the 15th-meatloaf, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, orange jello and date bars; Thursday, the 17th-baked ham, scalloped potatoes, cheese and cauliflower, sliced peaches and chocolate mousse.

Birthdays being celebrated this coming week include Jim Laney, Abbie Laine, Austin Crozier, Emily Strong, Wes Raistakka, Leo Saari, Amy Hurst, Phyllis Sotka, Stanley Rangila, Doug Wise, Mary Saari, Matthew Beaulaurier, Marlea Blain, Maria Wirkkala, Grace T. Miller, Greg Queener, Maggie Ann Smith, Joel Wirkkala, Frieda Footh, Sherrill Hartline, Steve Ragnoni, Lori Hurst, Carol Ross, Connie Mercer, Larry Helton and Wayne Erickson. Happy Birthday to each of you.

Happy Anniversary to the following couples this week: William and Pat Potter and Jon and Freida Footh. Wishing you many more.


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