Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Winter is most definitely still here

GRAY BEGINNING--The first couple of days of this week have been gray and drizzly but the sun came up Tuesday morning while temperatures dropped below freezing. They say we're going to have some clear but colder temps, so I hope you are prepared for that. Despite the mild temperatures we had the last week in January, this is still winter. Remember when the water line to Puget Island froze and broke? I bet everyone on Puget Island does! Let's hope we don't get that kind of weather again, as it was registering zero degrees in West Valley that day and three below the next, brr! For those of you who are new to the area, that happened February 4, 1989 and I was seriously questioning my move to Skamokawa right about then!

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from February 3-9 are KC Garrison, Alyssa Montgomery, Kathy Tarabochia, Betty Brons, Bernie Mendoza, Terry Ostling, Ed Stornetta, Tammy Beyer, Bob Montgomery, T.D. Hall, Derrill Corbin, Grant Johnson, Bailey McKinley, Maddox Moore, Alexyss Baldwin, Dave Pedersen, Troy Kyle and Scott Pedersen. Happy birthday to all of you! Happy Anniversary wishes go to Mr. and Mrs. Randy Montgomery.

THIS IS IT--Dory Hicks will be featured with her artwork in this newest exhibit opening this weekend at Redmen Hall. The Friends of Skamokawa hope you will meet with Dory and view her works and enjoy this wonderful artist who we are proud to say lives here in Skamokawa. Call 795-3007 for more information.

I mentioned in my column last week that there would be items for sale, like aprons and tote bags, with the hall logo on them. That is not correct as while it is a Dory Hicks graphic on these items, it is the one that she did featuring the "Skamokawa Waterfront 1911" that she designed for T-shirts many years ago. Please come and see these new items with this terrific, old time scenic view of Skamokawa and take in all the items that Dory has had a hand in over the years.

COUNTING DOWN--Tickets are currently on sale for two great Valentine events in our area. One is a chance to win a romantic dinner for two at the historic Bradley House Inn in Cathlamet by purchasing a $5 raffle ticket from a variety of businesses in our area, as well as at the Rosburg Store and the Grays River Cafe, which benefits the Wahkiakum County Historical Museum. Tickets are also available from the museum board members; not sure who they are? Call 360-849-4452. The drawing will be held on February 9 and you have the choice of February 11, 12 or 14 for your dinner.

The other Valentine dinner will be tempting you with diamonds as your ticket for dinner also includes a raffle ticket for the lovely diamond necklace that will be given away that evening after you've dined on filet mignon cooked and all the goodies that go with it, including dessert. Extra raffle tickets are available for just a dollar so we hope you'll buy several, as not only could you win a diamond, you could also win one of Becky Ledtke's beautifully designed pieces of jewelry, as well as other items. This event benefits the Wahkiakum County Fair, and as we've all heard, funds are being cut by the state, so your support is truly appreciated to keep our fair going. Come to the Skamokawa Grange Hall February 12 from 6 to 9 p.m. Tickets are $25 and that includes a glass of wine as well as the raffle ticket, the dinner and dessert.

CLARIFICATION--In my column last week, I mentioned needing seamstresses for the Skamokawa Grange Follies. I did not mean to imply that you had to be a professional, but a person who has a sewing machine and knows how to use it. If you like to sew, know how, and would be willing to help us out, please give me a call!

GREAT RUN--Recently Valle Ledtke turned in a great performance in a four part relay race, where she ran her leg of the race in 59 seconds, which was a personal best for her, so her folks were mighty proud. She is the daughter of Jerry and Becky Ledtke and attends Western Washington University in Bellingham.

SPECIAL THOUGHTS--I hope you'll keep Cindy Lloyd in your thoughts and prayers as she's dealing with some health issues. Her hubby Greg, a fellow '67 WHS graduate, is asking for your prayers and positive thoughts for his wife, and so we send our heartiest get well soon wishes to her.

There seems to be dozens of folks suffering from head and chest colds right now, and we hope all of you will get to feeling better soon, and also try to do your level best to avoid spreading it around by staying home whenever possible.

FOLLIES FUN--The melodrama part of the fourth annual Smoky Water Follies put on by the Skamokawa Grange should be right up the alley of many of our citizens as it is set in a logging camp, and with about 200 people at the recent Old Time Loggers reunion in Naselle, we know there are still loggers in the area, so they should get a kick out of this! Adele Swift and Sunrise Fletcher have picked out about 40 songs for performers to choose from. I heard from a former resident, Laurie Miller, who said she'd love to get involved in our show and our little local star Nanea Carroll says she's ready to perform and hopes to get her friends involved as well. Come on musicians, singers, dancers, young and old, and let's put on the best show yet at the Skamokawa Grange Hall, June 24, 25 and 26. Sign up today! Call Sunrise at 795-8770.

LOOKING GOOD--The second meeting held by Port District #2 for the planning of Skamokawa Vista Park's 30th anniversary has taken place and it looks like July 30 will be a very fun day in Skamokawa. This event is for everyone in our area who is interested in selling their wares or promoting their business or organization by setting up a table or booth of sorts, or maybe providing a tour, entertainment or demonstration of some kind. Contact Kayrene Gilbertsen at 849-4421 to see about getting set up as one of the vendors. Space is limited so don't delay. There is no cost to set up but you must provide your own table and tent/cover if you want one. With music being provided by local musicians, you can eat hot dogs, buy a pie, or a fresh loaf of homemade bread, while watching kites take flight or while buying a new piece of jewelry. It may be possible to take part in a volleyball or soccer game--we haven't cemented that plan down yet, but the whole idea is to come to Vista Park and enjoy the park and all that Skamokawa has to offer. It might be possible, for a small fee, to take a trolley ride around the area. There are many possibilities, so if you'd like to get in on the fun and be in the fore-front of what could be an annual event, call Kayrene. While the Port/Park may be taking the lead in this venture, as it is their anniversary, it is truly a group effort among the various businesses and organizations to promote our community and county. Pooling resources and working together is the only way we're going to survive in these tough times.

ALL WELCOME--The Skamokawa Grangers got together just over five years ago and have been able to breathe new life back into the Skamokawa Grange Hall with a lot of hard work and elbow grease. Many of us thought that when the doors were closed, they would never open again. We'd heard the floors were ruined and there was not much left. Upon looking at the hall, and seeing that it was not nearly as bad as we had feared it was, a group got together, re-organized the Skamokawa Grange #425 chapter and have been able to hold some wonderful events in this historic building once again. The old grange comes back to life a little more each time an event takes place there.

This being said, it all takes a lot of work, as well as some boring meetings to organize and hold these events and the grangers would like to remind the public that they are welcome to attend any scheduled meetings and share any ideas they might have on what they'd like to have go on at the grange hall. Most importantly, what could the grange do to make you interested in joining? As witnessed by all of the events taking place there, this hall is the perfect meeting place, but it takes the dedication of those who want to see these community events continue on, to keep the doors open. The grange meets every second and fourth Monday at 7 p.m. Many changes are in the works for the grange this year, so won't you become a member and be a part of a brand new year?


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