Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Old time loggers reunion January 29

STILL COLD--Wow, we've had some nippy nights in West Valley but we certainly love the clear, sunny days that have often accompanied them. Our first day of the new year was mostly cloudy and I was fearing snow, but thankfully we didn't get any of that. I'd like it to warm up a bit, but as long as we're not suffering any horrific damages to anything, the frosty mornings and blue skies are looking pretty good right now. However, it sounds like we may be in for some changes so let's hope we don't slip and slide on freezing rain or wind up with a snowy mess. Whatever happens, drive safely.

HERE WE GO--This is the first full week of the new year; how's it treating you so far? I hope things are going well for you and you are ready to face this new year with some reasonable new goals.

SUGGESTION: JUST FIVE--Here's a suggestion to start off this year: How about donating $5 to the Wahkiakum County Historical Society to help our jewel of a museum stay open? If everyone gave just $5, the museum would have a nice bundle to help them through these tough times. After all, that's not too big of a sacrifice really, and it would not only help the museum but you'd feel good for helping, so a win, win situation! Naturally, if you are able to donate more, please do, but just realize that like the saying, many hands make for light work. The same goes for raising money; if everyone gave a little, we'd all gain a lot! Please send your contributions to: Wahkiakum County Historical Society, P.O. Box 541, Cathlamet Wa. 98612.

If you'd like to become a member, or buy one of the bricks they are offering, or to even volunteer for a day when the museum reopens, give Judy Brawn or Kari Kandoll a call: 849-4452 and 849-4353 respectively. Bob Hendrickson has been instrumental in calling on volunteers as well, so you could always give him a jingle at 795-8631. With all the hard work that has gone into upgrading the genealogical files and fixing up the displays lately, we don't want to see the doors of our museum closed forever. It's really an important part of our county's history; please help if you can.

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from January 6-12 are Mickie Smith, Don P. Wages, Susan Schillios, Becky Elliott, Colleen Elliott, Jason Rainey, Tom Irving, Kyler Sause turns five, Criss Luthi, Holly Anderson, Matt Blain, Mike Moore and Ty Finkas. Celebrating their anniversary this week are 67'er, Marnee (Ostervold) and Todd Davis. May you have wonderful celebrations this week.

HOSPITAL TRIPS--Several folks have taken hospital trips recently and one of those was Gary Huber. While Gary got sent home earlier, he'll be returning this week for some surgery according to wife, Betty. We hope he sails through and is out and about in no time. My cousin's wife, Karen Healy, found herself having to make a trip to the doctor when she took a tumble and broke her arm. We certainly hope she heals quickly and is back in full swing in no time. We're sending our heartfelt thoughts and prayers to Anna York who took a tumble over the holidays. Hope you're feeling better soon, Anna!

GRANGE--The first meeting of the year for the Skamokawa Grange #425 is scheduled for this Monday at 7 p.m. at the grange hall. We'll be celebrating our new officers, so hopefully we'll have no weather surprises and we'll get this new year rolling. We're looking forward to having another movie night before too long and we'd like to host events that would be of interest to the community, so if you've got a great idea, give me a call and we'll see if we can't get something fun going on at the grange.

It's hard to believe, but it was back in 2005 when a group of us got together to form the grange once again, so that's five years we've worked hard to do the improvements that we've done so far. It's been great to see the birthday parties happening at the hall again, as well as musicals, wine tastings, family reunions, class reunions and car show entries. We'd like to thank those that rent the hall and we hope you will continue to support us in one way or another. If you'd like to join us, please feel free to give me a call or show up at one of our meetings, and we'll get you signed up. We are here to help rural communities with a place where they can hold community events, hold political forums and keep our voice strong in governmental policies which affect us. We are an important part of keeping our country, "country." If you don't want to join but would like to help us out and keep this multi-use hall open, then you could send a donation to Sk. Grange #425, P.O. Box 123, Skamokawa 98647.

END OF THIS MONTH--There will be an "Old Time Loggers" reunion on January 29 at 4 p.m. at the Appelo Archives Center in Naselle, 1056 SR 4 W, and they will be honoring truck driver, Howard Nelson on his 80th birthday there. Everyone is welcome to come but other "old time" loggers are especially welcomed as you can share your stories and have your pictures taken, and it will all be in a new book that is being published about the historic logging in our area. These are stories that need to be preserved and remembered, so if you logged back in the good old days, please come and share your experiences with others. For more info, call 360-484-7103.

NEXT MONTH--Okay, so you didn't get any Christmas cards taken to the Columbia View Care Center, but wait, here's another chance to redeem yourself! Next month is Valentine's Day, so why not make up a few very simple Valentine cards to take up there? You've got over a month, so you can't say you don't have time! About 35 are needed to get one to everybody there.

If you've got a little more time and ambition, there's always the "Valentines for Vets" program. Contact your closest Veteran's Hospital and see about sending a batch of cards their way. Check your phone book or the internet for listings as there are a wide variety of places to send them to in Washington and Oregon. This is another feel good project so I hope you'll participate!

BIG DINNER--The Valentine Diamond Dinner will be held at the Skamokawa Grange Hall once again with steak, potato, veggies, salad and dessert for one low price and of course, with that, you get a ticket and a chance to win a lovely diamond gift or other gifts. You may also purchase extra tickets to up your odds, so take your sweetie out to dinner and support our local fair. It's been around for over 100 years and we want it to stick around another 100. Please help support it by coming to dinner on February 12. Want to help? Give Becky Ledtke a call.

CONTACTS FOR FUNDING--We can all help make our representatives aware of how much our community needs our fair by contacting them. Please participate in an e-mail blitz to the addresses in the Fair column on this page.


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