News from Naselle:
The two day boys and girls basketball tournament will take place in Ilwaco on Tuesday, the 28th and Wednesday, the 29th. Good luck Naselle teams!
Comet Booster Club calendars are available at Okie’s in Naselle, Rosburg Store in Rosburg and the District office at the school. The price is still $4.
If you haven’t finished your shopping yet, you might consider, as a last minute gift, purchasing a gift certificate from one of the local businesses. Perhaps a nice meal at one of the restaurants or even a gift certificate for groceries from Okie’s.
Other news from the Westend:
I understand that Kenzie Abbott, the young lady from Cathlamet who is raising money for the training of a service dog, has chosen her puppy from a local couple here in Grays River. Tom and Tina Hammonds had an even dozen puppies to choose from and they still have six left. If you are interested in a lab puppy, give them a call. They are eight weeks old with their first shots. Tina tells me that Kenzie chose a little girl pup, very laid back and smart. I’m sure she will turn out to be the companion service dog that Kenzie had hoped for. It will probably take a year or more for her training.
Donations are still being accepted for this project. The fundraising cookbooks are still available. For more information call 360 795-0575.
The Wednesday Senior Lunch Bunch that meets at Rosburg Hall will recover from the holiday fare with good old fashioned chili, cornbread and dessert on the 29th.
The Rosburg Senior Community Lunches sponsored by CAP will be serving the following menus this week: Thursday, the 23rd-closed for the holiday; Tuesday, the 28th-beef barley soup, half turkey sandwich with lettuce and tomato and carrot cake; Thursday, the 30th-chicken Reuben casserole, tossed salad, broccoli Normandy and peanut butter bars.
Birthdays being celebrated this coming week include Byron Standerfer, Rick Laney, Roxy Forbes, Tracy Bighill, Keegan McGuire, Lauren Bjornsgard, Carol Alves, Brittany Smith, Bert Haven, Joyce Magnuson, Karen Nelson, Garrick Bennett, Kim Easton, Abbie Taylor Rose, Evart Smith, Steve Smith, Toni Mullins, Shannon Adair, Bryce Kilponen, Kim Helvey, Marvin Ammer, Tim Wilson, Melvin Ross, Sarah Swanson, Ellie Chapman and Wendy Macy. Happy Birthday to everyone.
Happy Anniversary wishes go out to the following couples this week: Jeff and Corina Lee, Jack and Renee Smith, Errin and Laurel Smalley, Dan and Carol Wilson, John and Carol Alves, Robbie and Marilyn Johnson, Bruce and Leena Wirkkala, Just and Sue Thomas and Brandon and Lori Rose. Have a wonderful day.
My husband and I will be headed south to California today, to spend the holiday with our three kids and seven grandchildren. It will only be a short visit but a welcome one.
It really doesn’t seem like Christmas here, without our usual tree and decorations, but I have a plan for next year. All of our decorations were burned, so I have asked that each of our grandchildren make us two ornaments for next year’s tree. It will be a whole new set of memories as well as trimmings for our new home.
We are so blessed to have such a caring family and to be living in this wonderful community. I can’t imagine living anywhere else.
Wishing all the readers a very Merry Christmas, and the prospect of a wonderful New Year.
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