Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Trick or Treat Saturday at Johnson Park event

Rain, rain, and please go away so we can finish the roof over our house. I don’t think Mother Nature is listening. At least we have it covered in heavy plastic waiting to continue when the deluge stops.

News from Naselle:

Homecoming was celebrated last Friday by the Naselle Comets with a runaway score against North Beach of 50-6. Way to go guys.

Sports coming up this week include: Thursday – football at Ocosta at 7 p.m .; Saturday – cross country at Evergreen.

Friday is Family Movie Night beginning at 6 p.m. A great way to spend an evening with the whole family. Check the school calendar for this monthly event.

Other news from the Westend:

Ghosts, goblins, witches, bunnies, black cats, monsters or not, all are welcome at the spooky old Rosburg School at Johnson Park this Saturday afternoon for a fun filled time including the whole family. Trick or treating will start at 4 p.m. and continue for a couple of hours with treats being provided by local individuals and businesses. Then we will have games with prizes, hot dogs and punch, coffee and cookies, and at about 6:30 p.m. we will show cartoons and a family friendly movie. The entire event is free, but volunteers and donations will be welcome. With the weather as wet as it has been, what better way to have a great time and not have to worry about the weather. It’s all inside. Welcome to the first annual All Hallows Eve Eve Evening. We hope you have a scary good time.

I hear the “Parahulta” concert that took place at Johnson Park last Saturday evening had a great turnout for a spectacular evening of Finnish music and quite a lot of toe tapping in the audience. We hope the group will return to our little corner of the world again soon.

A busy weekend last week that included the Grays River United Methodist Church’s beef stew lunch and bazaar. I took full advantage of not having to cook that day and did take out for my building crew, and a little extra shopping as well. Thank you ladies for all your hard work. It was wonderful, as usual. The apple-cranberry pie was exceptional.

Need gas? You don’t need to go any further than the Rosburg store from now on. Yep, they have gas! The price is comparable to both Cathlamet and Naselle. And you don’t have to drive the distance. Norm, Joyce, Leslie and Cassie, thank you for reopening this hub of our little community.

And by the way, if you happen in to the store and find a very familiar face, don’t be alarmed, you have not been transported to the past. Yes, Kathy Hillsbery is helping out on occasion. It’s really nice to see her and her smiling face. Welcome back, Kathy. We have missed you. She told me that she has worked in the store for the past 4 owners and approximately 35 years. That deserves some kind of acknowledgement.

Let’s all continue to support the store, and remember that it was purchased by the Bolton’s because they love this community.

A big welcome home to my uncle and aunt, David and Claudine Hammonds of Grays River. They have just returned from a three week trip to California to visit with family. It’s good to have you home again. A belated Happy Birthday to my Uncle as well. Now I owe him two birthday dinners and cake. I told him he will be the first to be invited when I get my new kitchen built.

A reminder that TOPS (take of pounds sensibly) now meets in the exercise room at Johnson Park on Thursdays at 2 p.m.

Yoga will be starting up next week once again after a hiatus, on Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30 p.m. in the cafeteria at Johnson Park. For more info call Jack Braman. His wife, Jeannie will be teaching an aerobics class soon, days and time to be announced.

Get your recipes in for the fundraising cookbook for Kenzie Abbott, of Cathlamet, who is trying to raise money to purchase her service dog. Go to: User name is: Kenzie. Password is: dog. Enter your recipe. Not much time left to add recipes. When the cookbook is published it will be for sale, so make sure you watch for the sale date. If you wish to make a cash donation to Kenzie’s fund, one has been opened at Bank of the Pacific in her name. Let’s help this young lady with her dream of becoming more self sufficient and safer with a wonderful friend and helpmate.

The Wednesday Senior Lunch Bunch meets at Rosburg Hall every week for a wonderful meal provided by Pat Potter and her crew of volunteers. Check them out.

CAP provides senior meals on Tuesdays and Thursdays with nutritious fare for our experienced generations. They are also served at Rosburg Hall. Check them out as well.

Happy Birthday to the following individuals this coming week: Lindsay Smith, Kyle Olmstead, Sharon Johnson-Ross, Kevin Maki, Lindsay Littau, Jeff Eaton, Kevin McNulty, K. J. Keightly-Baker, Joel Forbes, Norm Penttila, Lorna Batt, Julie VanDusen and Angela Helvey.

Happy Anniversary wishes go out to Paul and Donna Lindstrom and also to David and Angela Helvey. Wishing you many more.

As I finish up this column I’m thinking about how fortunate we are to live in the United States, where we are free to elect those we want to represent us in our government, unlike some other countries. So remember, November 2 is the deadline for making your choices. It is up to us, so cast your votes. Every vote is important, as we well know here in Wahkiakum County and Washington State.


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