Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Halloween is upon us this Sunday

WET AND NASTY--We are still seeing heavy rains and nasty weather, but that was nothing compared to the weekend storms that rolled through the area; not fit for man nor beast out there! I don't remember when we've had that long of a thunder and lightning event, but it was pretty spectacular. With a foot of snow in the mountains already and a couple of more feet expected, you may need to rethink any travel plans across the passes; keep the chains in the trunk and your emergency kit stocked up as well. If this is a sign of the winter to come, it sounds like we're in for a doozy!

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from Oct. 28-Nov. 3 are Nathaniel Norris, Jennifer Hall, Maurice Mooers, Hoby Thacker, Mike Wright, Mel Dominique, Christie Davis, Phil Corbin, Gary Huber and Britt Boldt. Happy Anniversary wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Ty Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gorley and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Wika. May you all have wonderful celebrations.

CORRECTION--Last week I gave the credit of a gathering of several of 67'ers down at the beach to Dale Jacobsen, when in fact it was Kenny Bunn who was the one who played host to the group, trimming lawns and keeping everyone fed and bedded down, so my apologies to Kenny. Of course, this is not to say that Dale hasn't been a great host from time to time, just not this time! Thanks again, Kenny for letting the gang get together there.

THIS IS IT--I'm hoping that the weather gets a little better for all the Halloween activities coming up this weekend. The St. James Family Center will hold their Halloween carnival from 3 to 6 this Saturday, with carnival games and various contests. In order to take part in some of the games, you can buy tickets five for a dollar or a quarter each. Admission to the event is free. This is a fund raiser to give a donation to the United Way. Many adults will be out Saturday night trying to win some great prizes for their costumes and on Sunday evening, all the little ones will be out looking for that house with the best Halloween giveaway treats!

I can remember "back in the day" when the Rasmussens on North Welcome Slough used to give away bottles of pop. They had heavy wooden cases filled with Nesbit Orange and Cream Soda and Coca Cola sitting on their front porch for us to choose from. That was great! And who could forget hitting up Ralph Rodahl with his huge, swirled, multi-colored lollipops which cost about $4 a piece these days. I liked the black and white ones, which were licorice flavored, yum! And one year, Gerri Quigley handed out nickles, which in those days, bought you a candy bar that was bigger than the ones you now pay about $1 for! Those were the days!

BALLOT IN?--You don't have much time to get that ballot filled out and mailed in. All ballots need to be postmarked by November 2. If you don't vote, don't complain!

COMING UP--Members of the Lions Club would like to remind you of their annual Walk-n-Knock food drive. It will be held this year on Nov. 6 and bags of food that you set out on your porch, will start getting picked up about 9 a.m. and throughout the day. Of course, if it's wet and nasty, we hope you'll keep it nice and dry and just give it to the volunteers when they knock on your door. Remember, no home canned foods can be accepted and paper products and other toiletries are welcomed also. Are you going to be in town and would like to donate something? Just drop the food off at 42 Elochoman Valley Road, which will be accepting hams and turkeys up until November 18. Please help by donating so that those less fortunate will have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

MID-NOVEMBER--The Friends of Skamokawa will host a new event at Redmen Hall on Nov. 13 from 7 to 9 p.m. Take part in seeing and hearing Dave Densmore (renowned fisher poet) and Alexa Wiley (regional songwriter/poet) who will be there to entertain you. Prices are $10 for adults and $7 for seniors and students with children under 12 costing just $5. During this same time, David Meyers and Judy Vandermaten, who currently have an exhibit at the hall, will speak about their various artwork, so you'll get a chance to see and hear four great artists for one low price. Please mark November 13 on your calendar today and call Redmen Hall at 795-3007 to reserve your tickets!

EXTRA TOYS?--I know someone who is going to be taking in foster children soon, so if you happen to have some extra toys in very good condition that you are willing to part with to make way for new ones that they'll be getting over Christmas, give me a call. It is my understanding that she'd like to take in four boys.

POSSIBILITY--The Skamokawa Grangers and the Skamokawa Fire Department might team up once again for a community spaghetti dinner on Dec. 11, but that's not set in concrete. However, I want to toss it out there so you can keep that date in the back of your mind. We'll have a definite answer next week. Last year the event had to be cancelled due to everything being frozen, so we'll hope that doesn't happen again.

NICE SURPRISE--Sharon Buennagel invited me to go with her to the annual Food Service of America's food show in Portland last week and we had a great time eating our way through over 800 booths! Whew, big job, but somebody had to do it and we gave it our best shot! Upon coming in to the Expo Center, Sharon spotted a celebrity, Connor Doran, the amazing kite flyer, who was a semi-finalist from "America's Got Talent" television show this year. We wasted no time asking if we could get our picture taken with him and his family agreed and took the shot of us together.

OUT OF THE PAST--This week in 1945, it was mostly foggy and misty, right up until the last day. The family was sharing in the good news that Bob Shane had left Seattle and wad headed to New Haven, Conn., where he would be attending Yale University. Daughters Marian and Carol came by the Everest home, as did grandchildren Donna Healy and Frank Pedersen, with Inez Crookston. Grandma got a letter stating that her brother Dale had married again and was now living in Grants Pass. Carol and Krist Pedersen, along with Inez, headed to Portland that following day to attend a meeting and then go to the opera. Allan Johnson was home from England that week and Grandma had a note from Walt Ohrberg. Grandma could not get her watch repaired as there were no materials to do so. Mrs. Dryland stopped by and brought apples for Grandma, time for apple pie! Later, it was off to Margaret O'Brien's for a visit and some material pieces. The Puget Island Carnival was going on that weekend. Grandma was sewing socks for Christmas and making doll clothes for her latest doll. Grandma called the Groesbecks but Earl was still in the Phillippines. Captain Ingram came by and brought some grapes from the garden. Bud DeLarm was home this week. David West was stunt flying over Cathlamet, he tipped his wings at Grandma!

In 1960 during this same week, the rain was coming down most of the morning hours but by the time the football game started between Cathlamet and South Bend, it had let up and was pretty nice; just in time for a 12 to 6 win for Cathlamet. Elva Mast and Elsie Everest went to the Jim Wests' for a visit. They had a real nice time. The next several days were wet but the week wrapped up with a beautiful day. It was time for a new hairdo for Grandma Elsie, which was done by Mrs. Wendell and then it was off to the Pocahontas meeting for Grandma.

In 1965, it was mostly nice all week with some "thick smelly fog" one morning and some rain on the last day of the week. Ralph and Peggy Pedersen, with sons, Tim and Mark, paid the Everest's a nice visit; the cat "Skippy" was a big hit with the young boys. Cathlamet lost their football game this Friday night to Ilwaco--14 to 2. Grandma Elsie headed downtown to get her hair done and visited with Barbara Eggman while she was there as well as Lillian Anderson; both had links to the Everest family via marriage. The last day of Daylight Savings time was Oct. 30. As November started, the Everests were dining with daughter, Marian and Leon Healy. They had a nice visit while they were there and also talked with Gertie Healy, Leon's Mom, who was packing up and getting ready to move. It was off to the Harmony Club at Kay Gifford's the next day. The group was getting ready to have a bake sale. Grandma made a white fruit cake, no spices. Grandma Elsie made a nice bright yellow apron for daughter, Carol Pedersen as she was working at the cafe in town now. That night, it was time to head to the grange meeting; not many there but they had a good time. Grandma was getting busy making out that Christmas card list this week.

All this according to Grandma Elsie Everest's diaries.


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