“It was really fun! I think everyone had a great time,” said Shona Heywood of Skamokawa, reviewing 2010’s Wahkiakum Youth Soccer season, which concluded October 16.
“The ‘olders’ do really well in showing their skills. The ‘youngers’ were progressing well in understanding the game—sometimes they were all battling it out for the ball!”
Divided into two age groups, “little kids” for ages four through first grade, and “big kids” for second through sixth grades, a total of 76 youth from eastern Wahkiakum County came out to learn the game and engage in friendly competition. Royals, Midnight Blackouts, White Warriors, Flaming Tomatoes, White Lightning, Orange Crushers, Golden Sharks, and an unnamed but mighty green team met every Saturday morning to play at Skamokawa Vista Park, drawing crowds of adoring parents, grandparents, siblings and friends. Fans cheered on their own teams, and their competitors as well.
“It’s neat to see how the kids change in their abilities from being three year olds to now at five or six4,” said little kids’ coach LeeAnn Grasseth.
“I appreciate the time of all the volunteers who make this possible,” said veteran coach Stephanie Leitz of Puget Island. Her daughter Megan Leitz added, “I appreciate friends helping. I’m glad my mom could coach me.” Parent volunteers are at the heart of the league, but several coaches who are not (at least yet) parents of players gave generously of their time to help the athletes as well.
For the first time in league history, athletes in the “big kids’” league were actually able to clearly see and aim for their goals. In past years, athletes aimed for a box marked off by flags and paint stripes, but there was no actual goal structure or netting. This year, Dr. Del Gardner of Cathlamet, who had been involved with youth soccer in Indiana, was aghast that there were no goals for the big kids. Within the week, Dr. Gardner had leveraged the support of the local LDS Boy Scout troop, whose members had goals assembled and in place in time for the next game. Suddenly, there was no question about whether or not high kicks should be counted, a fact appreciated by players, referees, and spectators alike. A number of enthusiastic players were inspired to stay on for shooting practice after games concluded.
Participating in Wahkiakum Youth Soccer were:
White Lightning, sponsored by Hancock Forest Management: Coaches Stephanie Leitz & Tiffany Niemeyer; athletes Megan Leitz, Reigha Niemeyer, Levi Hauff, Forest Weiland, Kadence Schweikert, and Alexzandria, Kimberlee, and Kamryn Watkins.
Orange Crushers, sponsored by Cathlamet Realty West: Coach Kellie Silva; athletes Malia Silva, Cayden Mendez, Jacob Johnson, McKenna Longtain, Miya Kerstetter, Leanndra Aragon, and Katelyn Muyskens.
Green, sponsored by J&L Automotive: Coaches LeeAnn Grasseth & Crystal Davis; athletes Lexi Grasseth, Jackson and Mason Seal, Hunter Jones, Tanner Collupy, Braxton Schmidt, Makayla Davis, and Miranda Lomax.
Golden Sharks, sponsored by Davis Tax Services: Coach Rebecca Frank; athletes Lila Frank, Leah Chevalier, Joel Chevalier, Carter and Logan Morrill, and Landon and Greydon Luce.
White Warriors, sponsored by Heidi Heywood, Attorney at Law: Coaches Josh Grasseth and Shawn Deal; athletes Dru Grasseth, Taya Deal, Trynity Mendez, Colton Bachman, Trinity Klecker, Katelynn Thomason, Chelsea Chaput, Julianne McKay-Beach, Tristan Collupy, Teylor Sauer, and Shelby Robinson.
Flaming Tomatoes, sponsored by R.D. Olson Manufacturing: Coaches Tina Merz and Russ Reese; athletes Jansi Merz, Paige Mace, Shona Heywood, Ellie and Jake Leitz, Alaina and Emily Frank, Peyton Souvenir, Logan LaBerge, Ashden Niemeyer, and Mya Kirzy.
Royals, sponsored by Lower Columbia Realty: Coaches Trinidad Medina and Charity Kerstetter; athletes Hayley Kerstetter, Charly Childers, Mckensi Fluckiger, Madison Muyskens, Kylie Prestegard, Solana Stanley, Tarah and Kayla Wisner, Jonathan Hauff, Gabriella Morrill, Matti Longtain, and Keely Scott.
Midnight Blackouts, sponsored by Sharon’s Pizza & More: Coaches Ginger Schmitz & Amee Elliott; athletes Macie Elliott, Leif Carroll, Charlie Ashe, Eli Keithley, Sara Buennagel, Braxton Johns, Shannon Lewis, Alison Seal, Sophia McKinley, Clare Gardner, Cole Hauff and Jolene Wright.
Referees: Rob Hauff and Duncan Cruickshank; field striper: Steve McClain.
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