To The Eagle:
The meetings and negotiations involving the Kandoll Road project and it's affect on the properties adjacent to the Kandoll farm, and Kandoll road itself, have been ongoing for a few years now, and final resolution of the issues is nowhere in sight. It seems like a good time to employ the services of knowledgeable negotiators/mediators, and such can be found within the Washington State Environmental Hearings Office (
The EHO consists of two state boards, which deal specifically with the Shorelines Management Act of 1971 (RCW 90.58) and the Washington State Hydraulics Code of 1943 (RCW 77.55), along with the associated Washington Administrative Codes (WACs). The boards employ administrative law judges, who attempt to resolve conflicts through mediation and arbitration, rather than litigation, in a cost effective manner.
Perhaps the Wahkiakum County Prosecuting Attorney could take the lead in organizing this effort?
Chuck Wolfe
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