Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Covered Bridge dinner spectacular success

Summer days and winter nights, at least that’s how it seems to me. The night sky has been brilliant with all the stars shining so brightly, perfect for sitting in the hot tub. Looks like more rain is predicted for later in the week, though.

News from Naselle:

Games coming up this week for the Naselle sports teams include: Thursday – volleyball in Naselle against Raymond at 5:45 p.m .; Friday – football at PeEll at 7 p.m .; Saturday – cross country Invite at Fort Worden; Tuesday – volleyball at South Bend at 5:45 p.m. Good Luck Comets/Comettes.

Comet Booster Club meets on October 12 at 6:30 p.m.

Don’t forget to get your orders in for Okie’s case lot sale of canned goods. Get great deals by buying bulk. Sale ends this week.

Speaking of Okie’s, have your children or grandchildren ever played at the playground next to the store? I know my grandkids always want to go to the store with me when they are here, so they can play there. Well, I’m sure you have noticed that it could use a little upgrading and sprucing up.

On Wednesday you are invited to the Naselle Lions Club meeting at the Naselle-Timberland Library at 5:30 p.m. to discuss some remodeling and fix-up ideas for the playground. Everyone is welcome. Bring your ideas and be a volunteer to help get this project off the ground for our kids.

The latest book by Donna Gatens-Klint has arrived at the Appelo Archive Center. The book consists of recipes from local families, historic photos and stories by descendants of founding families.

The Appelo Archives Center will hold a book signing on Saturday from noon to 5 p.m. at 1056 State Route 4 in Naselle. For more information on new happenings at the center please call (360) 484-8103. Information is also available at

Award-winning storyteller, Christopher Leebrick, presents a riveting performance of Edgar Allan Poe’s masterpiece, The Tell-Tale Heart, at 14 of the 27 Timberland library branches. The performances are part of Timberland Regional Library’s sixth annual one book-one community program, Timberland Reads Together: The Tales & Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. The events are free; no tickets are required.

The Naselle Timberland Library will host Mr. Leebrick on October 30 from 5 – 5:45 p.m.

Leebrick’s dramatic interpretation of the classic horror tale won a 2009 Storytelling World Award. The presentation also features a discussion of the story and its author as well as other eerie tales from around the globe. These may be urban legends or spooky stories from Appalachia or Native America. The Tell-Tale Heart performance is geared to adults and teens. His web site is

For more information on the presentation, library locations, and complete details on Timberland Reads Together: The Tales & Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, go to or call 704-4636 in the Olympia area; 1-800-562-6022 from elsewhere.

Other news from the Westend:

Wow! Another spectacular dinner on the Covered Bridge, with wonderful weather and great company. My compliments to the chefs, the 4-H girls who were serving drinks, the football team for set-up and teardown (I hear they even set the tables and did an outstanding job), the donors for the auction, the wonderful music, and all the other volunteers for making this an awesome evening. Carrie Kennedy with the Extension office has done so much for the community and kids in particular since she has had the position, and all of us need to personally thank her for her efforts, energy and fortitude for making things happen. Thanks, Carrie.

Carol Ervest and Micky Bates turned out some of the best food I have eaten in a long while. Thank you ladies. You can come to my house and cook anytime. I also want to sneak in a special thank you to someone who is always around and in the background when it comes to the 4-H kids, Bill Karwoski. You are an inspiration to many other volunteers for all you do. Thanks.

I had a special request to include a story in my article this week and will probably have a few updates as I get them in the future. Many of you may remember Lorinda Alexander from the Rosburg Store prior to the new owners reopening it. She and her husband, James are putting together a fund raiser for a very special young lady, Kenzie Abbott, who is Lorinda’s 16 year old daughter and a student at Wahkiakum High School. They are trying to raise enough money to buy a special service dog for Kenzie, one which can detect a seizure before it happens. Kenzie is diabetic and has a problem with seizures as well, though they are not sure they are related. These dogs are very expensive, about $10,000 but enable their owners to be more self sufficient and safe.

A special cookbook is being put together with local recipes that you can contribute to online at When you log in you type in your name, the group is: Kenzie and the password is: dog. When the cookbook is done it will be for sale. Some of the other things her parents are doing are: custom printed T-shirts and James is also setting up an air brush temporary tattoo program where you can have a tattoo put on that only lasts for about two weeks. Sounds like fun, if you want a tattoo. I think I’ll go with the custom T-shirt myself.

If you would prefer to send a donation for this young lady’s future companion, an account has been set up at the Bank of the Pacific in her name. For more information, ideas, etc. please call James and Lorinda Alexander at 360 795-0575.

The Grays River Habitat Enhancement District will hold its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, the 13th in the Grays River Grange Hall at 6 p.m. These are public meetings and the landowners are encouraged to attend. Refreshments are always served.

On the agenda this month is an update on some FEMA work being completed for the west end dikes, and other local projects.

Need a sneak peek at the ballot, before you get your real one in the mail? Copies are available at the Rosburg Store and also at Johnson Park.

Flyers are going up for the “All Hallows Eve Evening” to take place at the “Creepy old Rosburg School” on October 30 beginning at 4 p.m. Come one, come all for a fun afternoon and evening of trick or treating, games, contests, pizza and a movie. This good old fashioned fun time is free and will include a Haunted House put together by Naselle High School students. All ages welcome. Don’t worry about the weather, as it will all take place indoors.

If you are interested in volunteering to help, have a good idea or would like to make a donation please call me at 465-2960.

In an effort to protect folks from identity theft by publishing birthdates and ages, my weekly birthday and anniversary update will be much more generic from now on. I know it isn’t quite as personal but I guess it is a sign of the times, unfortunately.

Birthdays being celebrated this week include Tiara Wirkkala, Carly Thomas, Richard Morgan, Ryan Nortup, Charles Ross, Carrie Nortrup, Amber Donlon, Debbie Engelson, Jeff VanDusen, Jill Saari, Krista Bocker, CJ Nelson, Greg Blain, Harly Lopez, Vanessa Leamy, Vivian Wirkkala, Larry Howell, Carol Walter, Trina Scrabeck, Verne Waterman, Brian Beaulaurier, Cliff Kilponen, Hailey Thompson, Elaine Patterson, Logan Bryant, Rod Smith, Kristen Edwards, Shawn Matthews and Kristi Mattson. Happy Birthday to everyone.

Happy Anniversary to Karl and Debbie Smith who will be celebrating their special day this week.


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