Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Updates, corrections to inmate beating story

To The Eagle:

I don't think our nation disciplines terrorists in cells in such a manner for being non-compliant.

What happened to plain old isolation?

Looks like I need to clarify a couple items about the jail beating incident July 16, 2010.

When I wrote my initial writings back in July trying to get the word out about this incident. I thought our son was cuffed in his cell. I had since learned that he was not cuffed, but was in his cell.

Undersheriff Jon Dearmore said at the forum in Skamokawa that my letters were placed in mailboxes. The few letters I had sent out had postage on them and were not placed in mailboxes. That is illegal.

I am really getting tired of all the favoritism, lies, dishonesty, power trips that we have in this county.

Hjaltalin was not charged for methamphetamine but for marijuana. Yes, marijuana is a drug and is illegal, but meth makes people crazy.

I am happy there is an investigation going on and the word is finally out. It is not hiding under a desk now; that is very important to us.

If you could see the pictures and the video I think you would agree it was non-deserving and there was excessive force and abuse of power. In the Sheriff's Department it was written: "He did not fight anybody, he was just non-compliant."

After the first disciplinary action was taken (pepper spray) there was no need to continue with more disciplinary action, being the inmate was totally under control in his cell. I pray justice will be done, and if not, at least a learning lesson.

I heard this past weekend that the Sheriff's Office had these two inmates transferred to Shelton from Wahkiakum jail shackled and naked. What's with that?

Where is the one size fits all clothing? I would think they should should be wearing them, not using them as a blanket to cover up. This is really getting ridiculous!

Sharyl Hjaltalin



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