FALL IS HERE--The leaves are falling, the rains seem to visit us on more days than the sun and our days turn into nights before eight p.m. these days, so I'm thinking, Summer is definitely over and Fall is here! However, the weatherman said we may get a few warm days this week, so maybe we'll get our webbed feet dried out one more time before this year comes to an end. By the way, when we get these misty, foggy and darker days, it's best to get those head lights on early so that others can see you much more easily. Defensive driving is a real plus when you live in this foggy, soggy area!
SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays September 23-29 are Dan Turner, Shona Heywood, Sue Kuller, Matthew Keilwitz, Stevan Morgain, Linda Newton, Brett Havens, Leah Clark, Julia Ann Wright, Carl Linquist, Marie West, Monica Heagy, Evelyn Clark, Cheryl Backman, Ron Leingang, Kevin Weaver, Barbara Shaver, Lori Kyle, Karla Kyle, Edith Erickson and little Rownen Vegvary is having a special birthday this week as he turns one year old on Sunday!
Happy Anniversary wishes this week go to Marsha and Matt Helms, Tom and Tammy Bosch, Mr. and Mrs. John Hoven, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Phillips and Chuck and Sheran Parker will have been married 50 years Friday. Congratulations!
NEW LISTING--We just had a wedding in the family, so we've added another anniversary to remember. My very proud nephew Mark Pedersen finally got a daughter when his son, Adam, married Samantha Charron in Virginia Beach on September 15. From all the photos I saw, they are just a very striking couple and we wish them the very best as they start their life together. Locally, Adam's proud grandparents are Ralph and Peggy Pedersen.
CANDIDATES NIGHT--Just one more reminder that the Skamokawa Grangers are putting on a "Candidates Forum" for all who want to ask the candidates questions and hear what they have to say. We hope you'll take advantage of this time to do so. Please plan on coming to the grange this coming Monday, (September 27) at 7 p.m. If you want more information, call Chuck Parker at 795-3782.
LOST--I learned that my Uncle Jack Fuller passed away in Longview on September 14. His wife, my aunt Nancy (Pedersen) and two sons, Steve and Jerry Fuller all preceded him in death. He leaves a behind a daughter, Judy Colt of Longview. Also, Jim Boerste lost his battle with lung cancer and passed away September 9 at the age of 66. He was born Feb. 4, 1944. While he had spent most of his life in Kalama, most recently, had lived on Puget Island. Our sympathies to all friends and relatives.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED--Like every group, club, organization, church, etc, there is always a need for volunteers. One of the places that could use a hand, would be the museum in Cathlamet. They could really use your help and it's only for a short time, so why not sign up for a short shift or call Bob Hendrickson at 795-8631. If you've got an old story to tell, that's the place to tell it and if you can write it, then put it down on paper, you too can be part of our county's history by spreading the knowledge you have of the area with others.
One more place that could use some help would be Redmen Hall in Skamokawa. This is another great building full of history and it would be easy to stop by and meet Lisa Mooers in the office. It's rewarding work and as they say, "Many hands make for light work," so give either the museum or the Friends of Skamokawa a call and see what you can do. And that goes for all other organizations as well.
DO YOU KNOW?--In 1986 the Friends of Skamokawa was formed and in 1987, they purchased the Redmen Hall. This building was designed and built by Allen Riley and it was dedicated by the community with a huge picnic and festivities on the Fourth of July, 1894. In 1987, a picture was taken of many of the new FOS members standing outside the hall, which was designed after an original picture of the school kids who once stood there. Here's the deal, with the passing of time and memories, the identity of all of these people are a bit "fuzzy" so, were you in this picture, or do you think you can help name everyone in the picture? If so, please call Redmen Hall and let them know which one was you, or who was who! Also, if you were one of the first members, or helpers that took out the old apartment that was in there when it was purchased, or did other work there, please give the FOS your name and what you did and maybe any stories you have to tell about that early time, and even better, some pictures that you may have taken. While many of us who were first there can remember our work there like it was yesterday, some of us are also on "can't remember who was there or who helped me" list so, please come forward and get recognized for all that you did for this building when the organization was at its infancy. Again, call 795-3007 or stop by Thursday through Sunday.
TALENT CONTEST--I recently learned that former Cathlamet resident, Laurie Miller, entered the "Catch a Rising Star" talent contest at the Puyallup Fair last week. She took third place, which is certainly not shabby at all; she is a very talented singer who performed, "Big Time" by Linda Eder for the judges. Laurie is the daughter of the late Sandra Jacobsen Westbrook, and who lived here in the 1970s. Her great performance got her an audition in the "Nativity" with "A Victorian Christmas." Congratulations to Laurie; good job!
MORE FOOTBALL--Tomorrow night, (Friday)the Warriors will play football in Napavine, and the Mules will play in PeEll on Friday night, and the Youth football league will play at the Mt. Solo Middle School in Longview against Columbia Ford at 5:30 p.m. on September 25 and the JV's will play in Pe Ell next Monday.
NICE WIN--The Mule JV team beat Winlock last Monday night and with grandson Austin Good making a couple of great touchdowns, this grandma is pretty proud. Sorry I missed it. However, so far, every game I've gone to has the teams losing, and when I don't go, they win, so I think I'm just going to stay home from now on and support them from afar as it seems to work much better!
MORE SPORTS--The volleyball teams are going at it full steam ahead this year and the Varsity and JV Lady Mules will be at Napavine tonight, (Thursday) with a Raymond Tourney on Saturday and they play Morton/White Pass next Tuesday at home. The Warrior Volleyball team plays at Toledo on Monday and home against Adna next Wednesday. Good luck girls!
NEXT MONTH--There will be an Open House next month for the celebration of St. James Family Center's 25th anniversary. It will be held at the St. James Episcopal Church on October 13 from noon to 1:30 p.m.
GOOD TIME--Bill and I attended the Oktoberfest at Mount Angel, Ore. and got some great food to eat at very reasonable prices and there was a ton of it to choose from! We were lucky to arrive while the weather was dry and while it did start to shower a bit, it was so warm and light that it didn't even matter. However, I heard from Anita Mosteller a couple of days later and she said it just poured later on that day and they had about three inches of water running through the "gartens," so that was not good. Glad we missed that part of the day! The ride home was not so great though, lots of rain, lots of traffic and that amazing, mind boggling problem occurred, in which an entire freeway becomes stopped for what seems to be no reason at all. Amazing!
THREE MONTHS AWAY--Ok, don't get mad, but I just have to mention it; this month is about over already and Christmas will be upon us in just three short months! Wow, that seems almost impossible. I don't know about you, but I'm thinking "stress free holiday" this year. Sound good? One way we could do it would be to scale down that "to do" list, maybe simplifying things and scaling back would help. How about the spirit of Christmas being the main focus instead of the buying and getting part? It's a nice idea anyway! At any rate, get ready for a host of holiday doings which will be coming up in no time!
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