Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Time to enjoy the 102nd county fair

ENOUGH HEAT YET?--When the temperature hit 97 degrees at my house last Saturday, I was saying "enough already!" Whew, it was hot! But thankfully, we had some cool evenings and the house cooled down so sleeping was easy. Here at least, we went from 97 to 61 in just a few hours! While we cooled down on Sunday, it was still very hot if you went to Portland or Seattle. I thoroughly enjoyed the cooler temps, and I'm sure the critters liked it better too.

However, I was still seeing people with dogs in their cars during this heat wave and I just shake my head. People, put on a fur coat, jump in your car when it's 80-90 degrees, roll down the windows an inch, and see how long it takes you to heat up--that's how your dog feels! Give the critters a break! Leave the pooch at home!

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from August 19-25 are Jessica Fletcher, Arnold Andersen, Chip Perkins, 66'er and former Islander, Vicki Jacobsen Groce, Riley Emlen-Petterson, Becky Ledtke, Cindy Seaberg Faubion, Larry Havens, Kay Walters, Clarity Schmitz, Linda DeBriae, Kathy Durrah, Lelie Ozment, Ashley Silva, Greg Parker, Joey Toste, Katie Phillips, Kelly Heiner, Ernie Meyer, LouAnn Hedges, Ethan Heriford, Anna York, Dolly Hartley, Darrell Trotter, Bobbie Leingang, Shannon Ellison, Sean Pedersen, Susan Pedersen (Mrs. Tim), Marshall Pedersen is having his "anniversary" birthday as he was born in '55 and turning 55 this week and John Gustafson hits the big "7-0" this week. Many happy celebrations to all of you!

Happy Anniversary wishes this week go out to Mr. and Mrs. Russ Durrah, Mr. and Mrs. Justin Ashe and Mr.and Mrs. Brandon Brown. Hope your celebrations are super special for you this year!

THIS IS IT....FAIR TIME!--The 102nd Wahkiakum County Fair has begun, but for many of the volunteers and those entering things and getting ready to open booths, the work began ages ago. Whew, we're tired already and the fair officially just started today! We hope you'll come and see all that the fair has to offer. There is a ton of great music, some great food, which includes the famous salmon BBQ on Saturday. That tradition is being welcomed back, and of course, there are the many entries to go and see and all the animals too. This will also be the last of the Silver Buckle Series horse gaming event. Those horses are awesome, so, with a great line up of entertainment and hopefully more good weather, we hope to see you there!

STILL TIME--There is still time to sign up to work in our grange food booth. We'd sure like to see some younger legs running around in there. It's always a great experience and everyone who pitches in not only enjoys it, but they get to feel really good about themselves for helping this great organization out! If you've got a couple hours to spare, stop by and we'll put you to work!

THIS SATURDAY--This is the weekend for the Skamokawa all school/all classes reunion at Vista Park and anyone else who wants to come can show up as well. Bring food and stay awhile, it will be great fun! That's Saturday at 1 p.m.

LOOKING AHEAD TO NEXT MONTH--It's hard to believe but after this weekend, we'll have three weeks of this month gone, and coming right up will be the start of school. If you can donate any school materials, I'm sure the teachers would enjoy that as there are always some who can't afford all the things on their school list. Then of course there's the football games; it's almost time to cheer on the Mules and the Warriors once again. Good luck guys!

On September 11 the annual Friends of Skamokawa's Wine Tasting and Auction will be held at the Skamokawa Grange Hall. I know a lot of people who say "Wine tasting? Oh, that's just not for me!" It's not only a chance to try some wines you've never had before, but to see and meet a lot of new folks. There's always a ton of goodies to eat; there are non-alcoholic beverages available and you can have fun trying to get that last bid on those silent auction items, or get that great deal during the live auction. It's all in the name of fun and all the money raised goes for a good cause. Remember, this is an adults only evening. If you'd like to donate something towards this fund raiser, call Redmen Hall at 795-8007.

On September 13, the Skamokawa Grangers are planning on holding a candidates night instead of having their regular meeting, so once we find out the results of this week's primary election, we'll be inviting the candidates to come and talk to you. Remember, this is a great opportunity to hear what they have to say and to meet them up close and personal. More details about this event will be posted later.

OUT OF THE PAST--Fifty years ago this coming week, it started out warm but a big storm showed up the next night and it stayed mostly wet the rest of the week. There was big news at the Wahkiakum County Historical Society and Museum as Mrs. Jack Hilton gave the museum her family papers: The Talcott Family. These letters and documents start out in 1751 with a commission in the Connecticut Horse Troop which was issued by King George of England! There were many letters written during the Civil War, some written by Robert E. Lee and other high ranking officers, along with many other important and interesting papers. The home of Krist and Carol Pedersen of Puget Island was opened for a silver wedding anniversary party for Carol's sister, Marian Healy and husband, Leon. The house was decorated in pink and silver and even had silver candles in silver holders on the refreshment table. Mrs. Arnet Danielsen cut the cake and Mrs. Gertrude Healy poured coffee. Miss Carolyn Madsen (soon to be Mrs. Frank Pedersen) poured the punch, while Kay Louise Pedersen was in charge of the guest book. It was a bittersweet gathering for Carol and Marian's brother George, as he was leaving for California, so this would be his last visit with the family for awhile. The McNally family lost the head of their family on August 22, when Tomas Monroe McNally passed away at the age of 76. He left his widow, Artella, in Cahtlamet; four sons, Glen, W.W., Bob and Kenneth and three daughters, Olga Ray, Geraldine Packer and Geneveive Birchard. Services were held at the Assembly of God church with Rev. Edward Stockman officiating and assisted by Rev. John Turner. The first day of fair started on August 25; in the rain. Marjorie Bunn was crowned queen.

Forty-five years ago in 1965, the area was welcoming some much needed rain on August 19. The next week was dry and muggy but a little cooler and on the last day, it rained for a couple of hours. Everyone was very happy to see it arrive as there had been a severe water shortage and the woods were shut down. That day was not such a good one for Grandma Elsie's brother Dale Walker however, as he and his friend Fern got hit head on by a car which came into their lane, and the woman driver was killed. Dale had 57 stitches in his face, along with a broken nose and shoulder and cracked knee cap; he really looked rough when daughter Carol took Grandma Elsie to see them in a Vancouver hospital. Fern had a severely broken ankle and lots of cuts and bruises as well. Grandma's grandson, Gene Healy was in the hospital that week with pneumonia; he had a 104 degree temperature and was very sick. Grandma went to visit Effie Wright and Alma Faubion was there and they had a nice visit. Grandson Marshall Pedersen turned 10 and great granddaughter, Lori Pedersen turned two. Malfunctioning electrical systems threatened to bring the Gemini spacecraft right back to earth, but they were able to get it fixed so they could continue on their eight day orbit. Everyone was thrilled that all the power had been restored to normal and the mission could be completed. All this according to Grandma Elsie Everest's diaries.


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