Julius A .Wendt Elementary will hold a Back To School Night on August 31 from 6 – 7 p.m. for students to meet new teachers, see classmates, put away their supplies and enjoy some ice cream.
The John C. Thomas Middle School Curriculum Night will also be August 31, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Parents will receive a letter in the mail with their child’s schedule and are invited to come meet teachers, hear about curriculum and classroom expectations. The evening will be divided into 10 minute sessions with parents and students attending each class. Everyone is also invited to enjoy some ice cream in the multipurpose room.
The schools have released this year's supply lists: All students will need swimsuit/towel for September swimming and non-mark tennis shoes for PE.
Kindergarten – Mrs. Davis
2 large boxes of crayons; 6 Elmer’s Jumbo washable glue sticks (.77oz.); 2 large boxes of tissues; 1 box of plain band-aids (no cartoon characters); 2 boxes of #2 pencils. Do not put your child’s name on these items and prepare them to hand them over to be used as community supplies. All supplies will be shared by all students.
First Grade – Mrs. Ridout
Liquid school glue; box of 24-48 crayons; Box of markers (not fine tipped); 48 #2 pre-sharpened pencils; 1 pair of Fiskar’s blunt point scissors; 3 spiral notebooks; 1 large gum eraser; pencil top erasers; 1 box wet wipes and/or ziplock bags.
First/Second – Mrs. Cothren
1 backpack; 2 one-inch white 3 ring binders; 2 folders for binders; 1 box washable markers; 1 bottle white school glue; 1 package water colors; 4 packages #2 pencils; 2 pink erasers; 2 boxes of crayons; 6 glue sticks; 3 spiral notebooks; 1 pair Fiskar scissors; Parents are asked to donate tissues, hand-sanitizer and band-aids.
Second grade – Mrs. Becker
Backback; markers (wide or fine tipped; crayons; 3 sturdy folders; watercolor paint set; #2 pencils; 2 pink erasers ; scissors (Fiskar brand or similar); school glue; 6 glue sticks; 2 one-inch white three ring binders; pencil pouch for 3 ring binder; pencil box; clipboard (optional).
Third grade – Mrs. Wilson
2 packages wide rule school paper; 3 spiral notebooks; 1 composition book; 2 folders; 4 packages #2 pencils; pencil top erasers; 6 glue sticks; white liquid glue; colored pencils; crayons; pencil sharpener; gallon size ziplock bags. Optional: markers, band-aids, ruler, calculator, clipboard.
4th grade – Mrs.
2 packages wide or college rule paper; 3 spiral notebooks; 2 pocket folders; 4 packages #2 pencils sharpened; pink erasers; white glue or glue sticks; colored pencils; crayons; markers; pencil box. Optional: band-aids, baby wipes. No 3 ring binder or trapper keepers.
Fourth/fifth grade – Mrs. Olsen
School or college rule paper; spiral notebooks; 2 pocket folders; pencils; pink erasers; glue sticks; crayons or colored pencils.
Fifth grade – Mrs. Wright
School or college rule paper; spiral notebooks; pencils; pink erasers; glue sticks; crayons or colored pencils.
John C. Thomas Middle School Supply List
2 3-ring binders; 12 pack colored pencils; 3 10 pack #2 pencils; 2 glue sticks; blue or black pens; erasers; college ruled paper – 500 sheets; 3 80 page black and white composition book; PE Clothes – shirt, shorts, socks and tennis shoes for gym use only – swimsuit and towel for swimming in September.
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