Two weeks already, since our home burned. We are settling in to our motorhome, making minor repairs, since it hasn’t been used in 10 years, and looking forward. Better than looking back I’d say.
In my stupor last week, I neglected to thank some very important people, our volunteer fire departments. Thank you so much for all your efforts in trying to put out the fire and save our home. You were awesome. And another huge thank you to the Grays River Café for providing food for all the fire and EMS folks as well as our family.
News from Naselle:
Registration for students in Naselle High School will occur during the week of August 16-20. Seniors will register on August 16 at 6 p.m. in the Naselle High School Commons. Juniors will register the following evening at 6 p.m. in the high school commons with sophomores registering on Wednesday at 6 p.m. and freshman on Thursday at 6 p.m. During each of these evening sessions, the school counselor will provide grade specific information about state and local graduation requirements, state testing, college admissions procedures, career planning, financial aid and scholarships (seniors) and various other non credit graduation requirements such as community service.
There will be a registration session on Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. for new students or for returning students who were unable to attend an evening registration session. New students must bring an official transcript and a copy of their most recent report card. If a parent has more than one student in the high school, they need only attend one registration session--preferably the earliest one.
Once again, at least one parent or guardian must accompany their high school student to registration to assist with course selection and educational planning, approve their schedule, and sign their high school and beyond plan (an annual requirement mandated by the state). Parent/guardian participation is required and a student will not be registered for classes without parent approval of their schedule and their high school and beyond plan.
If a student or parent has any questions or needs to make alternate arrangements, please contact Justin Laine, Karen Wirkkala, or Jon Tienhaara at the school.
Other news from the Westend:
Please don’t forget the auction that will be held this Saturday (August 14) at Rosburg Hall, as a fundraiser for the Olson Family, beginning at 4 p.m. Lots of nice things on the auction block. If you can’t make it to the auction, you can give a cash donation to the Bank of the Pacific in the special account set up for the Olsons to rebuild their home.
My prayers go out to our good friend, Dale Dutcher, who suffered a stroke last week It sounds like he is on the mend, be it slowly, with the good care provided by his wife Cheryl. As stubborn as he is, I’m sure he will be up and running soon. Get well soon, Dale.
I had a note from Judy Brawn (of Puget Island Irish Wolfhound fame), and she sends a warning to all dog owners. It seems that there is a tick paralysis alert out in our area. With such a wet year, there seems to be lots of the little critters. If your animals show any unusual signs or lack of motor skills, get them to the vet, and be sure to mention if there have been any ticks on them.
Even though the weather wasn’t really nice last weekend, the rummage/bake sale that was held at the Grays River United Methodist Church was quite a hit. I managed to find some beautiful hand made thank-you cards by Mickey Bates and another copy of Bob Pyle’s book, “Sky Time in Grays River.” It looked like most folks who were shopping found at least a few things they needed. The free cookies and coffee really hit the spot as well.
Rosburg Senior community lunches are served on Tuesdays and Thursdays and are sponsored by CAP. Menus for the coming weeks include: Thursday, the 12th-chicken Divan, corn, carrots, rice pilaf and lemon bars; Tuesday, the 17th- chicken and noodles, cauliflower with cheese, fruit jello and chocolate pudding; Thursday, the 19th- barbecue beef sandwich, French fries, pineapple slaw, sliced melon and chocolate chip cookies.
Unfortunately, my Comet Booster Club calendar, which gave me my birthday and anniversary list, was burned so I just want to wish a happy birthday to all those who will be celebrating a birthday this coming week and a very happy anniversary to those who will be celebrating their years of marital bliss.
Well, it seems as though all the commotion around here caused a couple of our cats to wander off a little too far, and neither one has returned. My little gray and white tailless monster has been missing since last Monday and my sister’s cat Spirit, the one who warned me that something was wrong during the fire, has been gone since Sunday. We are hoping they have just gone into hiding but with this much time having passed the signs are not good.
Again, I want to thank everyone who has come by, sent cards and made offers of help. We can never thank you enough. If you really want to help, let’s all rally and get the Olson home rebuilt. See you at the auction on Saturday at Rosburg Hall.
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