To The Eagle:
After having just finished reading "Pull up a chair with Blair" (The Eagle, 7/29/2010), my response is it's time to pull the chair from Blair, and my reason for expressing the opinion I am is that turn about is fair play.
In the month of May portion, the news is good: that we now have a full time doctor on staff in the clinic. Now you read the July section and word is the clinic has now hired a nurse practitioner. Which sounds very good, but the drawback is when the clinic changed hands, we had a full time nurse practitioner and a registered nurse that all of us who used the clinic knew and respected.
The commissioners offered the proposal that they would form a corporation and continue to operate the clinic and also work to bring in a full time doctor, but as all these meetings were held under executive sessions, it was never made public.
I think all of us feel more at ease by discussing our medical problems with someone we know and respect than somebody we've never seen before.
Well, since I've expressed my opinion, all I have to say is it's time to pull out the chair from Blair. Thank you. I know I'm competing with those who will be supporting him because of his personal donations to certain projects.
Robert Larson
Grays River
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