Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

What's Happening at the Fair?

July has arrived and that means only seven weeks till fair! Fair Manager Lore Twiet is currently working on sending contracts out to craft and food vendors. If you would like to be a vendor at the fair now would be a good time to give her a call.

We have some building projects to do in July and could use your help. Please call the office and have your name and phone number added to our volunteer list. We will call you when the project is ready to start. Volunteering is a good way to meet people if you are new to our area!

I enjoy writing this column because I can write about volunteers, events, sponsors and this week the results of our first Silver Buckle Open Game Show Series!

The Silver Buckle Series Showmanship Class results are: Senior-Ashlee Olson, 1st place; Senior-Elyse Loring, 2nd place; Intermediate-Shaleesha Rose, 1st place; Junior-Makayla Matthews received 1st place and overall Showmanship Grand Champion; Junior-Marci Dunaham received 2nd place and overall Showmanship Reserve Champion. In addition to ribbons, awards were given to the overall Showmanship Grand Champion and Reserve Champion. Makayla received a leather show halter and lead donated by the Fair Board and Marci received pink leg wraps for her horse donated by Ginger Moonen.

The Silver Buckle Series Gaming Event Class results are: Super Senior-Ebby Blouin, Walk/Trot, 1st; Senior-Elyse Loring, 1st; Senior-Ashlee Olson, 2nd; Senior-Elyse Loring, Walk/Trot, 1st; Intermediate-Shaleesha Rose, 1st; Junior-Marci Dunaham, 1st; Junior-Makayla Matthews, Walk/Trot,1st.

The Overall High Point Award for the Gaming Classes went to Shaleesha Rose and her horse Satin. Shaleesha selected some splint protection boots for her horse that were donated by Western World of Longview from our prize table.

The 2nd place High Point Award went to Elyse Loring and her horse Banjo. Elyse selected a control rope halter donated by Western World.

The 3rd place High Point Award went to Ashlee Olsen and her horse Charlie. Ashlee selected a control rope halter donated by Western World.

The 4th place High Point Award went to Makayla Matthews and her horse AJ. Makayla selected a saddle pad donated by L&J Feed of Longview.

The 5th place High Point Award went to Marci Dunaham and her horse Mater. Marci selected a saddle pad donated by L&J Feed.

The 6th place High Point Award went to Ebby Blouin and her horse Sami. Ebby selected a halter and lead rope donated by Brim’s Farm and Garden of Astoria.

The 7th place High Point Award went to Elyse Loring and her horse Promise. Elyse selected splint protection boots donated by Western World.

Brim’s Farm and Garden also donated horse treats, all competitors received a bag for their horse.

The second Silver Buckle Series Open Game Show is July 31st, no charge for spectators, Skamokawa Grange will be preparing lunch, and the Fair Rummage sale will be open too.

The next Wahkiakum County Fair Board meeting is July 14, 7 p.m., T-Building, at the Fairgrounds in Skamokawa. The public is always welcome to attend. If you need to gain access to the fairgrounds contact Manager Lore Twiet at 360-431-5247 or you can call 360-795-3480 and leave a message on the fairgrounds answering machine.


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