New Grange Member:
Grays River Grange welcomed Clayton Easley, grandson of Grange member and State CWA Chairman Donna Moody, to its membership. Clayton Moody and Megan Agee participated in the Exemplification of the Second Degree which symbolizes summer on the farm. After the exemplification, Clayton became Grays River Grange’s newest and youngest member. Clayton was selected by the Boy Scouts to attend the 100th Boy Scout Jamboree this summer in Washington DC. Clayton will do a presentation on his trip to Grange member when he returns.
Upcoming Grange Events:
Last week was the first of this year’s Meserve Park Farmers Markets. This Tuesday’s market will feature strawberries. Mark your calendars to visit the Farmer’s Market every Tuesday from 2 to 6 p.m. Want to be a vendor? Call 360-465-2268 and leave a message and we will get back to you. Check the Grays River Grange website for updated market information.
Primary candidates forum is scheduled for July 27 at Johnson Park. The forum will begin at 7 p.m. with emphasis on the 3rd District Congressional race and local election races.
“Cream of the Crop” cookbook published by the Washington State Grange is still on sale for $10. Contact Donna Moody at You can also call Grays River Grange at 465-2268, leave a message and Donna will get back to you.
Grays River Grange meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Locavore Dinner begins at 6:30 p.m. followed by a Business Meeting at 7:30 p.m.
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