Was Monday really the first day of summer? It felt more like June-uary. Tuesday has turned out to be a gorgeous day, but how long will that last? All day maybe?
I’m wondering if the farmers will be able to get any hay in this year, as wet as it has been. Someone needs to give Mother Nature a hug, or something.
News from Naselle:
A few last minute items need to be posted now that school is out. The following students were chosen to represent their elementary grade classes as students of the month displaying the character trait of “perseverance,” at Naselle School. Kindergarten: Olivia Long, Riley Thorsen and Craig Reitz; 1st grade: Joey Singleterry and Ella Hale; 2nd grade: Brice Wirkkala, Thomas Holt and Corey Gregory; 3rd grade: Cole Dorman and Amelia Ruch; 4th grade: Christina Carter and Donnie Edwards; 5th grade: Ashley Muessig. Great job!
New Naselle-Grays River Valley High School ASB officers for the coming year have been elected. They are as follows: Kaelee Dearmore, President; Cramer Smith, Vice-president; Jordan Smith, Secretary; Taylor Wasmundt, Treasurer; Trevin Leeland, Jr. Auditor ; Austin Smith, Historian and Kayti Nelson, Media Arts Coordinator. Congratulations to all of you.
Naselle and the surrounding communities will certainly miss Audrey Wirkkala and all of her many talents. She was a true historian and took it upon herself to continue future history by interviewing and recording many of our senior residents through her photographic work. She also was the photographer of choice for many of the Naselle High School graduates for many years. She was active in many venues of the community, most especially the Finnish-American Folk Festival. My condolences to her family and all her special friends.
Other news from the Westend:
We have all heard that the National Heritage Area designation has gone by the wayside, but it seems that not everyone is convinced. There will be a meeting at Johnson Park in the cafeteria on June 29 at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome. One of the topics to be discussed is property rights and the possibility of putting something on the fall ballot to protect those rights.
Another issue here on the Westend is the application to spread treated human waste (biosolids) in the flood plain at 118 Covered Bridge Road in Grays River. Wahkiakum County, prosecuting attorney Dan Bigelow has brought a draft ordinance before the commissioners to ban Class B biosolids in the county and Class A biosolids in the floodplain. On June 22, Commissioner Lisa Marsyla said no to the ordinance because she doesn’t really understand biosolids and she will meet with someone in mid July to get more information.
The SEPA permit for the above issue will be reposted by Department of Ecology sometime this week, giving the public another period of time for comments prior to issuing the actual permit. It will be posted at the following web address: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/sea/sepa/e-review.html. I’m told by DOE that all comments presented at the hearing and sent in for the prior posting will be included in this new one.
There is another good website for more facts on sludge/biosolids. If you are serious about getting information, check out http://www.sludgefacts.org.
Grays River United Methodist Church will hold its annual Blessing of the Animals Worship service this coming Sunday at 10 a.m. Everyone and their animals are welcome to join in. The service will be held by Pastor Richenda Fairhurst outdoors, so let’s hope the weather cooperates.
I had an e-mail from a proud mom, Carol Ervest, last week. She was visiting with her daughter Stephanie, a graduate of Naselle High School, and her husband Jonathan Esvelt in Colville. They are both teachers at the Kettle Falls High School, which along with the Kettle Falls Elementary School has earned the State Board’s "Overall Excellence Award" for performing in the top five percent of schools in the state of Washington. The award is based on performance for the past two years. The High School also qualified for "Exemplary" school status by being in the top four percent of schools in the state.
Does your dog or cat have all of its vaccinations? Here is a great opportunity to get that taken care of. There will be a dog and cat vaccination clinic at the Wahkiakum County Fair grounds on July 10 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Naselle veterinarian, Dr. Lisa Bartel will be on hand to check out your animals and give them the necessary shots, as well as a free wellness exam. For more info call 360 484-7228. There will be another clinic on August 7 at the same location. The Wahkiakum County 4-H Clubs sponsor these clinics.
The Wednesday Senior Lunch Bunch that meets at Rosburg Hall will enjoy SOS over biscuits, a fruit tray and dessert on June 30.
Seniors can also enjoy lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the same location, sponsored by CAP. The menus for this week: Thursday, the 24th - chicken spinach enchiladas, Spanish rice, Mexicali veggies, broccoli salad and raspberry bars; Tuesday, the 28th – roast beef, orzo with spinach and tomatoes, Capri blend veggies, mango chunks and carrot cake.
Happy Birthday wishes to the following: Brandice Warra and Paula Braniff on the 24th; Arthur McLain, Tim Trimble, Sophie Scrabeck and Lilia Lemon on the 25th; Doug Miller, Quinn Donlon and Reiko Dziados on the 26th; Mitzi Hunter and Lynn Boyle on the 27th; Adelynn Meghan Crozier, Henry Varila, Garth Ullakko, Madison Headley and Samantha Donlon on the 28th; Andrew Nortrup and Keegan Magee on the 29th; Jason Stephan, Debbie Welsh and Jennifer Smith on the 30th.
Happy anniversary to the following couples this week: Jeff and Katie Bjornsgard on the 24th; Joel and Noreen Fitts on the 26th; Jon and Stephanie Gudmundsen on the 27th; Rod and Darlene Ammer and Wilho and Kaisa Saari on the 29th; Cliff and Kaye Weimer on the 30th.
Seems like I’m always playing catch up with birthdays and anniversaries. Yesterday was the 54th wedding anniversary of David and Claudine Hammonds, my aunt and uncle. Happy anniversary to you both.
Today, our neighbors Al and Nancy George will celebrate 17 years of wedded bliss. She will also celebrate her birthday on the 29th. Nancy says they have had a lot of precious years, and God willing, look to have many more. Happy anniversary and happy birthday, Nan.
Another special Happy Birthday goes out to Judy Durrah of Grays River. She will celebrate her special day on the 28th. Thanks for all you do, Judy. You are appreciated.
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