MIXED BAG--Last weekend was nice and even as the work week begins, the sun is shining after some night time showers. However, it's pretty wet out there this Tuesday morning, and it looks like rain is going to fall most of the week. I guess we'll have to be busy as beavers while the sun is shining and hope the following weekend is nice, but it only looks like Sunday will be. Temperatures are supposed to drop mid-week and the snow levels are dropping to 3,000 feet so I guess we can't put away those warm jackets just yet.
SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from May 20-26 are Linda Mahitka, Kris Parke, Susan Whitney, Lois Nelson, Jodi McClain, Carol Cothren, Mitch Moonen, Bonnie Bigler, Dexter Meyer, Kelly Hammond, Johnnie Peterson, Bobby McNally, Rochelle Cothren, Tim Hoven, Keil Charles Parker, Katherine York, Doris Takko, Bryson Havens, Lainie Ferguson, Brenda Ferguson, Katrina Pedersen Freeman, Mary Jo Brown, Donna Palmer and Tiernan Cochran will be 10 next Tuesday. Those celebrating anniversaries this week are Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cochran and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Faubion. Here's to all of you on your special days and I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating.
ANOTHER BREAK IN--The Wahkiakum Fairgrounds was hit again by intruders and we are hoping someone will come forward with information leading to their arrest, as they are hurting all of us in the county; totally senseless behavior. If you happen to see dark figures running where they should not be, or flashlights in that area, call the Sheriff's office immediately.
JUST OPENED--The new exhibit at Redmen Hall opened last weekend, as Rachael Wolford's collection entitled "Columbia River Reflections" is there on the second floor.
This exhibit will be open through July 18. We hope you'll come and see it.
COUNTING DOWN--It's getting closer and closer to the day of the Dollars for Scholars Car Show and Sturgeon Derby. We hope you've got June 5 set aside for a fun day in Skamokawa, starting with breakfast at the Methodist Church at 7 a.m. Then it's over to see the cars and buy some raffle tickets for the big drawings that afternoon. You can enjoy a hearty BBQ lunch at the fairgrounds while the kids catch fish in the trout pond, which is free, and after that, it's time to see who the winners of the car show are. Then comes the fishing derby results, so come and spend the day. All monies earned go to the Wahkiakum Dollars for Scholars, which provides scholarships for both the Naselle and Cathlamet schools. Both ends of the county provide lots of workers for this event, so kudos to all of them for doing such a great job every year!
GRADUATION--June 11 the Seniors of WA-KI-HI will be saying their good-byes to all things they knew before: Grade school, middle school and high school. They'll be off to college or the military or maybe to a job they already have lined up, but whatever they do, they will soon realize that they are in a whole new world, which can be very exciting. It can also be a bit intimidating. It won't be long before they realize how easy they had it in the confines of this little world. We hope you all will achieve your goals and I hope you will keep in mind this ditty that I say every year: "Always look and do your best, for you never get a second chance to make a first impression."
SCANDANAVIAN FESTIVAL--Across the creek in Astoria, on June 19 and 20, the annual Scandanavian Festival will take place. There is always a lot to see and do and best of all, eat! Can't beat that food! Also, on July 24 and 25, the Finnish American Folk Festival (FAFF) will take place in Naselle; another chance to take in some great cultural activities and food.
END OF JUNE--All the performers who have volunteered to be in this year's "Smoky Water Follies" will be working hard as they get ready to put on a three day show on the last weekend of June. Monies raised will go towards improving the Skamokawa Grange Hall. Mark June 25-27 on your calendars and come and see this fun, fun show! Would you like to help out in some way? Call either Sunrise Fletcher or Adele Swift today.
BUSY JUNE--As you can see, June is slammed with activities. This means it won't be long before the Bald Eagle Festivities will take place in July; the Covered Bridge Festival will be here at the beginning of August and then our county fair will be held on the third week of August...eek! Time is zipping by way too quickly as there is always a lot of work to do to set these events up and put them on and then take it all apart and start again for next year. This being said, I can point you to a half dozen places where you will be most welcome to help them out. A great community is only as good as the people who spend their time making it that way!
IN THE NEWS--The Columbia River Kayaking group was featured in the Longview paper and also in the New York Times in their Travel section! Their article was titled "Seven Rivers Less Paddled" by Jane Margolies in the May 16 edition, and the lower Columbia River was mentioned, along with the kayaking center in Skamokawa. I wonder if our paddle center will get any New Yorkers this summer?
ON FRIDAYS--If you're a gardener, don't forget to check out the Two Islands Farmers Market on Puget Island. Several small businesses have come together to sell a wide array of plants as well as fresh food to eat; a great place to buy locally grown food. The Farmers Market is open from 3 to 6:30 p.m. on Fridays. From the marina, you can just hop on the trolley and they'll take you over at 3, 4 or 5 p.m.
DOING BETTER--This past week I flew into Philadelphia and zipped over the bridge to New Jersey with son Pete Sechler and grandsons Kyle and Blake. We visited my brother Marshall Pedersen, who is recovering at home after some serious surgery. It was great to see him after so many years. He and I, and the rest of the family, appreciate all the good thoughts, prayers and well wishes that many of you said on his behalf. Marshall did have one request: Tell everyone who is now smoking: "Quit!"
The Sechler guys took a tour of the historical part of town and took in Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell, etc. Of course, they wanted to find out for themselves whether the Food Channel's hot spots for Philly Cheesesteaks was true or not, so for their dad's birthday, May 12, we hit up "Geno's" and "Pat's." I chose "Pat's" as my favorite cheesesteak place. Order it with cheese whiz and onions if you have one, and the breakfast sandwiches were awesome!
TOO LATE--I missed the gathering held in honor of Mercedes Pedersen, as she celebrated her graduation from WSU last weekend.She is the daughter of my late cousin Ray Pedersen. We offer her our heartiest congratulations on graduating cum laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology. Way to go Mercedes, your Dad and Grandma Betty would have been proud!
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