Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Just who owns Shorebank Cascade?

To The Eagle:

I stopped my work day to attend the county commissioners meeting regarding ShoreBank Cascadia's proposed National Heritage Project. My first question was "Who owns ShoreBank?" Not one single person could answer. None of the people present knew with whom they were proposing to endow such a thing.

The commissioners told their audience that just the day before, they had learned that those of us that did not want to participate could opt out! Are they just now being informed of what they can or cannot do?

What about having all those that want more government overseeing them dash right on down and opt in? Let's get a serious head count on those folks, rather than slipping this thing to us all, by the noisy movers and shakers of the community.

Once such a thing exists, the political winds could blow it into some truly nasty ramifications for those of us that own land and intend to stay here.

It sounds like a "trust me" operation.

Doug Fleming

Puget Island


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