It’s time for our next Fair and 4-H Rummage Sale! The date of the rummage sale is May 15 (Saturday) and we will be open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you didn’t get a chance to donate items to our first sale, here’s another chance. We already have tables covered with books, collectables, cute cookie jars, small kitchen appliances, Christmas items and Easter items plus a small sofa, exercise equipment, clothing, tables, desks, a microwave, picture frames and all kinds of little and big odds and ends. If you have something to donate to our collection of good stuff, call 795-3278 or 795-3480. We appreciate your donated items, every dollar generated insures we have our fair each year.
Did you notice the date of the sale ….. May 15? That’s also the day of “The Great White Tail Deer Run.” We hope to have lots of locals and people from all over Washington and Oregon participating. You can get your morning exercise and then come over to the Fairgrounds to relax , visit with us and purchase a few of the got-to-have items we will have for sale.
Do you raise llamas or alpacas? I was asked to put the word out that we need them at our fair. Llamas are pretty interesting to look at. They remind me of a camel with no hump and have hair (wool?) like a sheep. . If you do have some of these exotic animals please consider bringing them to fair, so people can take a look at them close up.
We have appointed our manager and look forward to a summer of planned projects and events. We are almost ready to get our fair projects started. If you need to get out of the house and enjoy working with a group of like minded (Love our Fair) volunteers, get your name on the list. When we get all the supplies needed and the project is ready to start, we will start calling the names on this list. We also will need volunteers to help at the June 19 “Open Silver Buckle Gaming Series,” if you have experience with horses you could be a big help with the game series. Please call the numbers below and let us know what you would like to do as a volunteer. We will add your name and information to our list.
You guessed it. I am still writing the column and will continue to keep you up to date on “What’s happening at the Fair!”
The next Wahkiakum County Fair Board meeting is May 12, 7 p.m., 3rd floor courthouse meeting room. The public is always welcome to attend.
The fair office is open for limited hours in May. If you need to gain access to the fairgrounds contact Lore at 360-849-4315. You can call 360-795-3480 and leave a message on the fairgrounds answering machine.
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