Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

What's Happening at the Fair?

Are you starting to feel like the cold rainy weather is leaving? When that feeling takes hold, we all start to wander outside more, and start thinking maybe it’s time for a little physical exercise. It’s always more fun if you have a goal in mind. How about competing in the Great White Tail Run? If you start walking and slow jogging now, by the time May 15 gets here, you will be ready to join the many locals and out of county people who enjoy the Great White Tail Run.

I will share more details about this 4-H event in my future columns.

We have Douglas Fir trees for sale. There are 120 trees in each bag, we sell them for $25 a bag or buy five bags for $100. This is a bargain price on these two foot tall trees. Give me a call or leave a message on the fair answering machine if you would like to purchase a bag of these trees. The money from these trees is going to be designated for fair entertainment. We want to get some great bands to play on our stages again, so we are starting a special fund to help do this. The Wahkiakum County Fair Board would like to say thank you to County Commissioner Blair Brady for helping us sell trees, he has sold quite a few bags in the last few weeks!

Are you growing a garden this summer? One thing we should all learn is how to process our extra garden vegetables. Don’t pass up this opportunity to work with your children, it’s a fun learning process. Valle and Bryan (my kids) spent many a morning harvesting buckets of green beans, washing, cutting and packing them into jars. As they are cutting up those beans, do a special jar for the fair. Cut your beans one inch long and put together the picture perfect jar to display in the fair. It was relayed to me that the Open Youth and 4-H could use more canning exhibits. So parents spend that valuable time with your kids and teach this skill from times past. We look forward to seeing their canning exhibits!

By the time you read this column the Wahkiakum County Fair will have a new manager. We had three great applicants to interview last night and then we made our selection. The new manager will start her position May 1st.

The next regular Wahkiakum County Fair Board meeting is May 12, 7 p.m., 3rd floor courthouse meeting room. The public is always welcome to attend.

The fair office is open by appointment only. If you need to gain access to the fairgrounds contact Becky Ledtke at 795-3434. You can call 360-795-3480 and leave a message on the fairgrounds answering machine also.


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