Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Vote for change or keep hoping

To The Eagle:

Adding to the editorial last week on the health care bill, what hasn’t died down is the utter disdain that the majority of American voters has for the bill, along with the way it was written/drafted and passed into law. That disdain will show up over the next five to eight months, and then in another two years. The only bipartisan part of the bill was in opposition to it, where a few Democrats, worried about this year’s elections, voted against it. All other Democrats drank the Obama Kool Aid!

The first year of the Obama administration has shown that there are absolutely no fiscally or socially conservative Democrats inside the beltway, regardless of their label as ‘blue dog’, ‘progressive’, ‘middle of the road’, ‘independent’, or ‘moderate’. The jury is out on local politicians, since they have to balance budgets. All have shown their support for the far left wing liberal/socialist agenda of the democrat party itself. Everyone from Obama on down through Pelosi and Reid, ending with Murray, Cantwell, and Baird in this neck of the woods is included. The liberal democrat tent is all inclusive!

Voters will not forget the trillions of dollars, money that the country doesn't have, spent on bank bailouts, porkulus, auto company takeovers, the failure of Fannie and Freddie, AIG, the nationalization of Sallie (student loans have nothing to do with health insurance, so why were they part of the bill?) Voters will not forget cap and trade (er, tax), and the utter scorn Baird and other Democrats have for brownshirts, like myself, who dare to question their elected politicians!

Regarding energy, the penultimate democrat failure as a president set up the Department of Energy to lessen the dependence of our country on foreign oil, not to develop ‘clean energy.’ The DOE has ballooned to 16,000 employees (government workers, that is, with jobs!) and a budget of $24 billion a year and we import more oil than ever before. The government had 33 years to get it right and it is an abysmal failure. There was nothing done, within DOE, to develop modern hybrid vehicles. All of that research was done by private industry.

Voters this fall will have clear-cut choices. Republicans like Craig Williams and Clint Didier, both running for Murray’s seat, contrast sharply with the socialistic tax and spend policies held by Murray’s party. Indeed, Mr. Williams brings energy policy insights to the table not currently found in government. In the other chamber, David Castillo and Jamie Herrera contrast quite nicely with the next liberal Democrat wanting to join with Pelosi to force unwanted and unneeded legislation down our throats.

Voters of Wahkiakum County, how has that ‘hope and change’ nonsense worked out for you? Vote Democrat in a few months and hope for more of the same if you’ve been happy with the results so far!

Chuck Wolfe



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