Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Smokey the Bear makes a visit

I realize this is April Fool’s Day, but let’s hope Mother Nature will be kind to us for a nice holiday weekend. Wishing all the little Easter egg hunters lots of luck.

News from Naselle:

At the February 16 school board meeting, Steve Sultemeier submitted his resignation after six years of service on the Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors, leaving an open seat on the Board.

Citizens are invited to nominate candidates for the position provided the nominees are registered voters who reside in the director district in which the vacancy occurs. The director district #1 is referred to as the Grays River area. The board will screen the nominees and select for interviews those whose prior experience and expressed interest suggest they will be most able to contribute breadth of view to the board's deliberations as well as effectively represent a large segment of the community. Those interested in the position should contact the district office (360-484-7172 ext. 1) and speak to Marilyn Strange (Board Secretary) or Rick Pass (superintendent).

The goal of the Board will be to interview and appoint a new board member at the April 20 regular meeting.

Naselle school sports coming up this week will include: Thursday: track at South Bend at 3:30 p.m.- baseball/softball at Wishkah at 4 p.m. Friday: baseball against PeEll at home in Naselle at 3 p.m. Monday: track in Astoria at 3 p.m.

Spring Break will take place April 5-9.

Smokey Bear took a break from fighting forest fires to bring a couple of friends from the DNR, Liz Smith and Tim Rohaly, to the first grade in Naselle. Students learned who all were Smokey’s friends and how to keep them all safe. Even humans are his friends, and we keep each other safe by not playing with lighters and matches. Students were also taught that if they see a fire: 1) Get away from it, 2) Get an adult, and 3) call 911 for help!

Friends of the Naselle Timberland Library will meet at 6 p.m. on April 6, at the library. Monthly meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month (excluding July and August). Meetings are open to the public and new members are welcome. For more information call (360) 484-3877.

Check out the Beverly Cleary Scavenger Hunt, 1-1:45 p.m.on April 7 for all ages. Join in a spring break scavenger hunt and find out where Henry, Otis, and Ramona are hiding at the library. This Family Read-Aloud event is part of a Timberland Regional Library district-wide program.

Would you like to learn some Scandinavian Dances? Here’s your chance and it’s free.

The Astoria Scandinavian Midsummer Festival will offer a series of dance classes on Wednesdays in April and early May to prepare community members to participate in festival dance events scheduled for June 18 and 19. John Campbell of Portland’s premier Scandinavian dance group Nordlys will teach five free sessions emphasizing basic footwork and focusing on five different Scandinavian dance forms. Classes are open to all ages and youngsters twelve and older are encouraged to participate. It is not necessary to have a partner. Scandinavian dance workshops are in Astoria.

Classes will meet 7-9 p.m. on Wednesdays, April 7 through May 5 at the Astor School New Gym at 3550 Franklin.

Dancers should bring clean, soft-soled shoes to wear, as street shoes are not allowed on the gym floor.

For more information, contact: Janet Bowler or 503-325-2431.

The Congregational Church, United Church of Christ located at 14 Parpala Road in Naselle will hold their Maundy Thursday service on Thursday evening at 5 p.m. Their Easter service will take place at 11:30 a.m. preceded by Easter Brunch at 10 a.m. on Sunday. Everyone is welcome.

Other news from the Westend:

In this column, two weeks ago, I mentioned that an election would be taking place to elect commissioners for the Grays River Habitat Enhancement District. The election will take place as planned on April 27, but it will not be with mail in ballots. You must go to the polling place. That polling place will be at Johnson Park (the old Rosburg School) in the cafeteria at the north side of the building, and it will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

If you know that you will not be able to go to the polling site and need an absentee ballot you must contact Diane Tischer, Wahkiakum County Auditor (465-2654) as there is a form to be filled out.

Voting in this election is a little different than a normal election, as you may have more than one vote, depending on how much property you own.

I have received confirmation from Department of Ecology that there will be a public hearing with regard to the biosolids (treated human waste) application by Evergreen Septic on property located at 118 Covered Bridge Road in Grays River. After receiving several inquiries from local residents and groups, Kyle Dorsey, with the Department of Ecology, will be on hand for this hearing at the Rosburg Hall in Rosburg on May 3 at 6 p.m.

Please join us with your questions and concerns.

The Grays River United Methodist Church will hold a special Good Friday service April 2 at 7 p.m. Easter service will be at 10 a.m. on April 4 preceded at 9 a.m. by breakfast. Everyone is welcome. Pastor Richenda Fairhurst will lead services. Please join us!

Mark your calendar for the 26th Annual White Tail Run to be held on Saturday, May 15th, 2010 in Skamokawa at the Julia Butler Hansen Wildlife Refuge. This event is a fund raiser for the Wahkiakum County based 4-H program and all proceeds will be used to benefit that program. More information will be published in the coming weeks. For more information, you can pick up fliers placed throughout the county, or call 360 465-2275 or 360 795-3278.

Don’t forget to check out the Grays River Valley Library which is now open. Library cards are available to everyone for free. The library is open 6 days a week – Monday through Wednesday: 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m .; Thursday and Friday - 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday – 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

The Wednesday Senior Lunch Bunch that meets at the Rosburg Hall will celebrate Easter a few days late with their annual Easter Social. Bring a potluck dish (salad or dessert), if you wish, and join in the fun. This is a great way to enjoy a good meal with your friends and neighbors.

Tuesdays and Thursdays, seniors can also enjoy a nutritious meal at the same location, sponsored by CAP.

Birthdays being celebrated this week include Trina Mennen, Christi Wirkkala and Brian Peters on April 1st; Arlene Nelson, Jenni Sotka, David White, Amy Olson, Chris Magnuson, Jessica Pearson and Taylor Wasmundt on the 2nd; Karli Nelson, Nathan Forbes, Nicholas Stewart, Napolian Stewart and Todd Calvert on the 3rd; Kyle Strange, Ron Legler, Colin Rose, Cary Bloom, Jackie Stanley and Dick Grabenhorst on the 4th; Sloan Stewart, Deborah Scharenberg and Gabriel Gilbert on the 5th; Kelsey Heriot, Brittany Liberatore, Dewey Adair, Brenda Rose, Norman Sotka and Gwen Angstrom on the 6th; Micky Hurst, Debbie Smith, Tasha Stenvall, Jon Pakenen, Myrtle Anderson and Debbie White on the 7th. Happy Birthday to all of you.

Happy Anniversary wishes go out to the following couples this week: Larry and Marilyn Sherk on April 2nd; Dean and Junea Brannon on the 4th; Kyle and Lisa Donlon on the 6th.

A special Happy Birthday to my good friend, Cheryl Dutcher on April 3. I would also like to wish Cheryl and her husband, Dale a very Happy Anniversary on April 4. Wishing you many more.

Happy Easter to all the readers, and to the staff at The Eagle.


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