GREAT START--As this work week begins, it's absolutely gorgeous after a frozen morning in West Valley. But wait! It was very nice, right up until the wind began to blow and blow hard, and the black clouds rolled in and then it was hailing and snowing and raining and well, it just got nasty! It looks like we could have some cold temperatures and more chances of some freaky weather this week, so I guess winter isn't over just yet.
SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from March 11-17 are Paul Ehrensberger, Kelly Zink, Larry Bonds, Gretchen Meyer, Azery Gribskov, Kim Nettles, Susie Cothren, Colin Stewart, Lucy Bosch and Gene Healy. Happy Anniversary to Mike and Melanie Quigley. Hope all of you have wonderful celebrations.
THIS IS IT--Tomorrow night you can enjoy the sound of Andrew Emlen, Sunrise and Jessica Fletcher, Kerrie McNally, Fern Fey and Jennifer Hanigan as "Willapa Hills" will be performing at Redmen Hall at 7:30 p.m. The cost is $10 for adults and youth are $5 with anyone under 10 free.
They will also perform at St. James Family Center on Sunday at 2:30 p.m.
ALSO THIS WEEKEND--It's that time of year when folks get caught coming in late for church as Daylight Savings Time kicks in this weekend. Lately I've been hearing a lot of rumble from folks who would wish we'd just leave the time alone and deal with it the way it is. What do you think?
MORE FOOD--This is the weekend for the crab and oyster feed at the Norse Hall put on by the Chamber. They have three different seating times, so be sure to check your tickets and show up for the correct one.
WONDERFUL TIME--If you missed the crab and oyster feed in Rosburg last Saturday, held by the American Legion, you missed an awesome dinner. As usual, the group down there did a fantastic job. Those small oysters are just the best with nary a sand particle in any of them and the trays kept coming until we thought we would burst, so nobody went home hungry, that's for sure! Out of our group of 11, we had five people win prizes, so buying those raffle tickets really paid off. We really appreciate folks like Jim Wilson and Mike Mouliot and others for donating all the great prizes by the way!
We got to meet some new folks who had never been to the feed. That's always fun, and then with a little more talking, we found out that they had been to Texas and right to the very house that son Nathan Chamberlain had built, so what a coincidence that was; small world indeed!
The Legion holds a couple of big fund raisers a year and they use the monies they earn to help out local veterans and others in need, so we really enjoy supporting this group who helps support our community. Kudos to their cooks and helpers and organizers. Great job everybody!
HAPPY GREEN DAY--St. Patrick's Day is Wednesday, so keep watch for those Irish specials at your local restaurants and be sure to wear some green, as you don't want to get any pinches or punches! Even if you're not Irish, you can be for the day, so wear a little green and have a little fun and may the luck of the Irish be with you that day!
BUSY BUSY--Volunteers have been busy at the fairgrounds recently and it's nice to see an early start to shaping things up and getting things repaired. It's great that we've had some good weather to begin these projects as well. Becky Ledtke is currently welcoming you to participate in this coming year's fair and if you'd like to help, give her a call at 795-3480.
EIGHT DAYS AWAY--You can dance up a storm at the Skamokawa Grange Hall on March 19. We will be listening to the sound of Rich Goss calling out "swing your partner" etc. as the three piece band, "Cascade Crossing" plays music for your country styled dances. Cost is $8 for adults and under 12 with adults, free, so show up at 7:30 p.m. for a few basic lessons and dance the evening away from 8 to 11 p.m. This is an event co-sponsored by the Skamokawa and Grays River Granges, so I do hope you'll come out and support our efforts to keep our buildings up and running and have some fun too!
TEN DAYS AWAY--You won't want to miss out on Janet Bryan's chicken and dumplings on March 21 and her mom's famous pies, so we hope to see you at the Wendt Elementary school multi-purpose room in Cathlamet for this important fund raiser for our county fair that Sunday afternoon. More info? Call Martha Backman at 849-4486.
SYMPATHY--Our sympathies go out to the friends and family of Mary Garrett, Laverne Neilsen and Kim Steinauer, who have all passed away recently. The first two ladies had been residents of the Hotel Cathlamet and I saw them often, and with Laverne being a former Islander on North Welcome Slough, I'd known her all my life. The ladies were 91 and 97 respectively. However, Kim had just turned 50 years old on February 24. Our sincerest condolences to her family and to her dear friend, Connie Bassi. Her services will be held this Friday at Steele Chapel at the Longview Memorial Park Funeral Home on Mt. Solo Road.
CENSUS--We just got a notice from the US Census Bureau that within the week, we would be getting our census form so be sure to fill that out and return it.
OUT OF THE PAST--In 1945, this week was mostly wet and cold and on March 14, the worst storm of the year hit, and there was more snow in the hills than there had been all winter long. Then again on March 17, it was snowing in Longview and there was more snow all around the hills in the area. The Cathlamet Womans club was hostess to the Business and Professional Women's club that week and they met at the home of Mrs. John Doumit. Jack Kinney, a state patrolman from Longview spoke about what they were doing about juveniles and showed a couple of short films on first aid and driving safely. Bob Lee Goodfellow played two cornet solos and was accompanied by Mrs. H. D. Fritz. Mrs. T. L. McDonnell gave a review. Along with Mrs. J. Doumit, other hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Marvin Ness, Mrs. Forrest Bernath, Mrs. John Dickson and Mrs. R. L. Goodfellow. Dale Walker, brother of Elsie Everest, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stone and children and Mr. Lee all spent time at the Everest home that weekend. Gene Healy turned eight years old that week and Grandma Elsie gave him a sweater. Barbara Walker turned six that same day. Grandma Elsie went to the show, "Between Two Worlds." She thought it was only "fair." Leona Doumit Boyer was in for a short visit. A letter from son George Everest said that he and Ralph Rodahl had dinner aboard George's ship. Grandma had a nice letter from Earl Groesbeck who was now in the Phillippnes and liked it much better than being in New Guinea. Also a letter from Howard Ackerson. Bernett Johnson McNalley and her husband were starting a store in the old Woods' store building. Patsy Foster Klugie had a baby girl on March 12. The Everests were enjoying the first fresh rhubarb of the year.
In 1960 during this same time period, the week began just wonderfully with Grandma Everest being able to dry clothes outside, but for the most part, the weather tended to be nice during the day but the wind and rain seemed to kick in during the evening hours, with even some snow and hail thrown in, and on that miserable evening, the power line went down in front of the Ralph Everest home. Visitors at the Everest home one day included Peggy Martin and Mrs. Groesbeck and another evening saw Mayme Johnson, Bethenia Foster, and many family members.
In 1965, the weather was gorgeous all week long with only some cold wind toward the end of the week for awhile. The Everests received a nice package from Ralph and Peggy Pedersen and sons from Cordova, Alaska, which included a new doll to add to her collection. Grandma said the happy Eskimo doll was real cute and she named her "Kimmie." Grandpa Everest received a gold tie pin, and along with many Cordova papers and magazines, the Everests had a very nice package indeed. Grandma was busy planting bulbs and making bread and doing a little hemming for grand-daughter Kay Pedersen, as she needed the yellow dress to go to the wedding of Sylvia Blix to Morton Holland that was coming up.
All this according to the diaries of Elsie May Everest.
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