News from Naselle:
Our Naselle Comet basketball team deserves our thanks for such a great team effort this year. Though they didn’t quite make it to state, they did their best as a well rounded team. Congratulations to a successful year.
Winter break began on Wednesday and students will return to regular classes on March 8.
The Naselle Booster Club will hold their regular monthly meeting on March 9 at 6:30 p.m. at Naselle High School.
Naselle Timberland Library presents PageTurners Book Discussion at 10 a.m. to noon on March 6 for adults. Join in a discussion of “Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard” by Kiran Desai.This program begins before normal open hours so the library will open early only for the program. For more information call (360) 484-3877.
Family Story Time will take place at the Library on March 9 from noon to 12:30 p.m. for all ages. Stories, rhymes, songs and movement games focus on children age six and younger but all ages are welcome.
Other news from the Westend:
Great news! The Grays River Valley Library will hold an open house on Saturday, the 6th. The library is housed in the old Rosburg School at Johnson Park in Rosburg and will be open from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Come on in and check us out. We have approximately 7,000 books, movies, audio books, reference materials as well as a large section for kids, and absolutely everything has been donated with no expense to the community.
This is a very proud moment for the entire community, as we have been working on the library project for a couple of years, after contemplating a library for many years. There are so many folks I would like to thank, but there really isn’t room in my column. However, a very special thank you goes to Jim Monteith, who has put many hours in recently, to get the library ready for opening. And also to Timo Virkkala for his computer expertise in preparation for checking out books. Jim will be our main librarian during the week and we will need some other volunteers as well. The library will be open six days a week with the following hours: Monday through Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m .; Thursday and Friday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Grays River Habitat Enhancement District will hold its regular monthly meeting on March 10 at 6 p.m. in the Grays River Grange Hall. Landowners and residents are encouraged to attend the meeting which is always open to the public. Refreshments will be served.
The garage sale/bake sale/ soup luncheon at Johnson Park last weekend was a huge success. Cassie Bolton did an outstanding job of putting together this fundraiser for her senior project. She will be doing some painting and redecorating in the cafeteria of the old Rosburg School, as well as helping with the kitchen upgrades. Part of her project is a mural on one of the walls, depicting the local area. She raised more than $1000. Way to go, Cassie. And many thanks to the community for all the donations and support.
If you don’t have your tickets for the annual American Legion Deep River Post 111, Crab and Oyster Feed on Saturday, it may be too late. Check with a Legion member or Dale Rose if you need tickets or more information.
My husband and I received a phone call from our son, Shane last weekend from South Carolina where he is doing his Army basic training. He will graduate on April 2, and then go to Mississippi for more training. From there he will come home to Hammond, Ore. and then deploy to Afghanistan in August. It was wonderful to hear his voice, and that he is doing well. We also had a visit from his wife Delena and two month old son Emmett last week. Got my “baby fix” for a few hours. He is such a sweetie.
Welcome home to Poul and Zenaida Toftemark of Rosburg. She has been in the Phillipines for the last few months and Poul has been there for most of the month of February. He made it in time to spend a wonderful weekend with his special Valentine. Apparently the weather, fruit, food and side trips made for a great time, according to Poul’s e-mail updates on the trip. It’s good to have you home.
The Wednesday Senior Lunch Bunch that meets the Rosburg Hall will dine on turkey sandwiches, potato salad, chips and dessert. Bring your friends.
Seniors can also have lunch on Tuesday and Thursday at the same location. Sponsored by CAP.
Birthdays coming up this week include Michael Phipps and Grace Mattson on the 4th; Walter Wirkkala, Matt Scrabeck and Bob Larson on the 6th; Lorne Wirkkala and Anita Raistakka on the 7th; Daniel Forbes, Mary Wirkkala and Pat Rugg on the 8th; Kari Johnson, Darlene Bjornsgard, Sandra Carlson, Baylee Clark, Wayne Blake and Brad Lanz on the 9th; Amber Torppa, Chase Chapman and Amber Parker on the 10th. Wishing all of you a wonderful day.
One of Rosburg’s own special ladies, Jenny Pearson, arrived in Grays River on Sunday for a belated celebration of her 96th birthday. She joined many community members and the congregation of the Grays River United Methodist Church for a baked potatoes dinner and birthday cake. Her actual birthday was on February 25.
Jenny is an inspiration to all who know her. Her energy, friendliness, and outgoing attitude mean so much to those of us who have had the good fortune to meet her. I personally would like to wish her many, many more happy days.
One more very special Happy Birthday, to my Aunt Claudine Hammonds, of Grays River, who will celebrate her 73rd birthday on the 8th. Wishing you hugs, flowers, family and big jackpots throughout the coming year and always. We love you lots.
Happy Anniversary wishes to the following couples this week: Roy and Shirley Herrold on the 7th; Charles and Martha Moore, Nell and Richard Thomas and David and Gail Magnuson on the 9th.
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