To The Eagle:
I too was deeply saddened by the arbitrary dismissal of Port District 2 manager Steve McClain. My family has enjoyed his friendship for more than 10 years.
I don't care who you are, if you were engaged in conversation with Steve, the discussion invariably made its way to his vision for the Vista Park. So infectious was his love and enthusiasm for his life's work, I found myself asking how I could get involved. We started by relocating the horseshoe pits and last year added a second set to aid in tournament play. About five years ago I met Tevis Laspa and several other guys from Pro-Tech. On one very rainy day we excavated foundations and constructed two supports for the yurts while Tevis laid out a third. It was Steve who orchestrated all of our efforts and I recall that day being enjoyable...albeit wet!
Each year during Spring break, my family returns to the Vista Park for a working week. We have constructed decks for the yurts with other volunteer laborers, installed a new roof on an outbuilding, installed a new basketball hoop, assembled picnic tables, constructed a retaining wall, assisted with the installation of new boilers, installed new playground equipment near the baseball diamond. This year's project was to have been re-roofing the office. Some reading this may ask, "Why can't your volunteer efforts continue?" My response is that it was Steve's infectious personality that made me and others want to do these things.
Steve has had a great deal of success in securing grant money for major projects like the upper bathrooms/kitchen and campsite expansion complete with full utilities. It was grant money that funded the yurt project, and now that at least one of the yurts meets the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, an additional sum of approximately $11,000 was or will be released by the federal government as a part of this grant project.
I am also an administrator of a public employer. I am aware that my future status with my employer is dependent on satisfactory performance. I am grateful to work for bosses who will engage me in dialogue and openly share their expectations allowing me an opportunity to fulfill them. It is sad and unfortunate Steve McClain wasn't given the same chance, because I truly believe Port District 2 Commissioners have made a costly mistake.
Richard Mack
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