To The Eagle:
President Obama was interviewed for a "60 Minutes" segment that aired on December 13, 2009. The President's comment regarding the recent multimillion dollar bank executives bonuses was "Which I think tells me the people on Wall Street still don't get it. They still don't get it."
It appears the people on Wall Street "get it" all too well. They know our country is entirely at their mercy or whim as to our dismal financial situation. And they really don't care if we want them to receive huge bonuses or not.
Sad to say it is President Obama and Congress that "still don't get it."
Until such time as our elected Congressional representatives find the backbone to take back their constitutional authority to create our nation's money we can expect more of the same.
"For the government to permit banks to issue money, borrow that money and pay interest on it is idiotic!" Well said, Bill Hixson.
Really now, how smart do we have to be to "get" that?
Gilbert Vik
Puget Island
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