Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

What's Happening at the Fair?

We’ve seen snow, sleet, hail and a little freezing rain but I’m delighted to confirm the fair grounds are still standing. Volunteer Paul Lawrence has been busy, working hard to ensure we’re tucked up nicely for the long winter ahead. With last year’s damage behind us and funding from the county in place, 2010 is looking very positive.

I must admit that I am thrilled to confirm that the new fair board president for 2010 is Becky Ledtke of Skamokawa. Becky has been an active volunteer within the community for many years, including 10 years as a superintendent at the fair. For the last five years Becky has managed the T Building supers, bringing together all of the adult non-animal exhibits for the fair. An active Grange member and established local businesses woman, the fair board and I are thankful she was accepted the position.

Our previous president Bill Coons has graciously agreed to remain on the fair board which is great news for the fair. Over the last two years Bill has done an incredible job as president, donating his time and resources to benefit the fair and our community. Working within a volunteer organization involves lots of different characters, each with their own unique personalities, a challenge Bill tackled head on. On behalf of the fair board I wish to thank Bill for his two years service as president and congratulate him on a job well done. His strength and passion as a leader united the board.

2010 is just around the corner and we need a new fair theme. So put on your thinking caps and start brainstorming as the fair board and I need your help. This year’s contest is sponsored by the Wahkiakum Fair Friends who have donated $25 for first prize. Entries can be emailed ( mailed (PO Box 1, Skamokawa, WA, 98647), or left via phone (360 795 0419). Entries will be accepted until January 13 with the winner decided at the January fairboard meeting.

Calling all teenagers 14 and older who live in the Wahkiakum or Naselle area! Do you want to go to college but need a little help getting there? Why not join the 2010 fair royalty program? The King and/or Queen receive a $500 scholarship. It’s a great way to meet new people and gain experience for your resume.

Would you like to become involved with the planning of our 102nd fair next summer? The fair board is looking for new volunteers and potential members to join one of the new fair committees. Whether it’s entertainment, the princess program or the fair book, this is your chance to help make a difference and let your voice be heard.

Please be aware that the next fair board meeting will take place on January 13. The public is always welcome to attend.

In an effort to cut costs and stay within our budget the fair office will now be open by appointment only. If you need to gain access to the fairgrounds please contact the fair office 360-795-3480 or leave a message on my cell phone 360-355-7743.


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