Water, water everywhere. We knew it was coming; it was just a matter of when. We are now residing on our hill with lakefront property, probably for a couple more days, and we are the lucky ones. There are lots of logs and big trees with root wads floating in the Grays River and hopefully they will not be caught up on the bridges.
News from Naselle:
This community will say goodbye to one of the most gracious, most generous, and personable ladies to have lived her life in our community. Rose Elaine Johnson, known to most as “Rosie,” passed away last Friday, and there will be a memorial service and reception on Thursday (today) at 1 p.m. at the Naselle Lutheran Church in Naselle.
Rosie was the first person that I met when we first came to Washington, as we stayed at the Sleepy Hollow Motel. She was so friendly and helpful to us, that we stayed there several more times while we looked for a place to rent.
Rosie was quite the story teller regarding her life, she actively supported the Naselle High School athletic teams and rarely missed the home games, and was an active participant and founding member of the Finnish American Folk Festival held in Naselle, every other year, and she was very proud of her Finnish ancestry.
She shared her love of life with so many lucky folks; her family, friends and even some she hardly knew. Rosie Johnson will be sadly missed by all who were touched by her generosity, her humor, her independent vitality, and her love for others. Rest well, beautiful lady.
Her obituary can be viewed on Penttila's Chapel by the Sea website: penttilaschapel.com.
Nate Sandel, Field educator from the Maritime Museum, visited with Mrs. Smith’s 1st Grade class at Naselle Elementary last Friday. Students learned about tsunamis and about different bodies of water. The students discovered that where the water comes from makes a difference in its characteristics, whether it’s from a creek, a river, or an estuary, etc. The children were given the opportunity to view pictures and water samples and to actually try to figure out which body of water each water sample was taken from.
The Comet Booster Club Family Bingo Night will be held this Friday at 6 p.m.
The Scandinavian Heritage Foundation has launched their updated and improved website. It is part of a greater effort to inform its members and the public about all things Scandinavian. Discover more about SHF activities, Nordic business, and the capital campaign for the Scandinavian American Cultural & community center; membership, volunteering and how to reach the organization.
Visit http://www.scanheritage.org/ to find their new look with much more information as well as opportunities to contribute, sign up to volunteer, renew and become a member online.
Other news from the Westend:
The Johnson Park Artists will be included in the Friends of Skamokawa Holiday Open House programs at Redman Hall. The Open House dates are as follows: November 27, 28 and 29 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m .; December 5 and 6 from noon to 4 p.m. and December 12 and 13 from noon to 4 p.m. The Johnson Park Artist’s work will be on display from November 27 to December 20 for public viewing.
If you don’t feel like cooking on Thanksgiving Day, the Grays River Café will be open for your pleasure. The food is always delicious, and the company is great. I think they are open regular hours. For more information call: 465-2999.
The Wednesday Senior Lunch Bunch that meets at Rosburg Hall will enjoy macaroni and cheese, vegetables, bread and dessert on the 25th. Thanks to all who attended the fundraiser at Rosburg Hall last Sunday.
The menu for the next week at the Rosburg Senior Community Lunches include: Thursday, the 19th – pulled pork sandwich, coleslaw with pineapple, baked beans, corn and carrots. Tuesday, the 24th – Swedish meatballs, egg noodles, tossed salad and carrots with dill.
Birthdays being celebrated this week include: Alexa York, George Klint, Conner McIntee and Patrick McIntee on the 20th; Melodie Rugg, Samuel Scrabeck, Nancy Cooper, Donna Klint and Brian Larson on the 21st; Shelly Gilbert and Doug Tetz on the 22nd; Aaron Smith, Kevin Wirkkala, Robbie Johnson, Serena Johnson and Emily Albright on the 23rd; Ciara Sandell, Jack Smith, Colleen Smith, Dustin Dunham and Bob Caetano on the 24th; Darrell Fields on the 25th. Happy Birthday, everyone.
Happy Anniversary Wishes go out to the following couples: Rikki and Jill Saari on the 19th; Jim and Marilyn Strange on the 20th; Rick and Patty Rose on the 22nd; Chuck and Roxanne Hendrickson on the 23rd; Steve and Audrey Ullakko on the 25th.
Special birthday wishes to my granddaughter, Madeline who turns 13 on November 20 and will be visiting with us this next week from California. Also, Happy Birthday to my daughter, Kendra, who will celebrate her 32nd birthday on the 18th. She and her family will also be here for Thanksgiving from California. We’re looking forward to a full house.
With the winter’s unpredictable weather beginning to show it’s ugly side, please remember to make emergency preparations before you actually need them. Make sure you carry extra clothing, blankets, water and snacks in your car, along with a kit including a flashlight, flares, etc. just in case. Let someone know if you plan to be away from your home during the bad weather, so they can check up on things. If you know someone who might need to be checked on, either do it yourself or let someone else know, so they can do it. Let’s look out for each other.
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