Now is the season when the local WSU Master Gardeners take stock of the year’s activities.
A particularly high note is the number of Plant and Insect Clinic contacts last year. You can contact the Master Gardener clinic directly through the Extension Office or at the Two Islands Farm Market. Though the Master Gardeners are not great record keepers--so many of the questions happen at times when paper and pencil are not available--our moderate estimate of the number of contacts is 175 for the 2008 season.
Inquiries to last year’s clinics ranged widely, examples include: Plant identification; where, how and when to plant either vegetables or landscape plants; insect and disease identification and control; composting; greenhouse construction; and fertilizing and use of chemicals. In some specialized instances on-site visits were made for determining problem factors.
The Plant and Insect Clinic will open again at the Farm Market, beginning May 1, 2009, and will continue each Friday through October. The market is open Fridays 3:00 to 6:30 p.m. at 59 West Birnie Slough Road on Puget Island.
Questions are always welcome at the Extension office as well. Drop in, email or call!
Do you have questions for WSU Master Gardeners? We will try to answer as many questions in future articles as possible. E-mail: Or call: 795-3278.
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