1 box of tissues, 4 glue sticks, 1 set of crayola twistables crayons, 1 big pink eraser, 2 spiral notebooks – wide lined, 1 plastic school box (approximately 8 ½” x 5”), backpack (non rolling), gym shoes with non-marking soles to be kept at school-velcro for children who cannot tie shoelaces. Do not label washable markers, 2 boxes pencils, round tip scissors, small elmers glue, 24 pack crayons, one box of crackers/snack item, package of paper plates.
First grade
Scissors (with metal edge), pencil box, 4 packages of #2 pencils (Ticonderoga work best), 2 pink pearl erasers, large box of crayons, colored pencils (optional), bottle of elmer’s glue, bottle of hand sanitizer, 1 box of tissues, backpack, gym shoes with non-marking soles to be kept at school.
Second grade
1 box of crayons, 24 colors, 3 boxes of #2 pencils (community pencils), scissors (small Fiskars), pencil box, 1 large pink eraser, 3 glue sticks, pocket folder for papers going home and back, pencil sharpener with cover, 1 ruler (inches and centimeters), 1 box of eraser caps, box of tissues, 2 large packs of baby wipes, 1 spiral bound notebook, gym shoes with non-marking soles to be kept at school.
Third grade
3 boxes of #2 pencils, scissors (small Fiskars), pencil top erasers, colored pencils, small elmer’s glue, box of tissues, pocket folder for papers going home and back, 1” binder, pencil sharpener with cover, 2 packages wide-ruled paper, ruler (standard and metric side), 1 wide-ruled spiral bound notebook, 120 pages, crayons, markers, 2 dry erase markers, gym shoes with non-marking soles to be kept at school.
Fourth grade
2 packages wide-ruled notebook paper, 3 wide-ruled spiral-bound notebooks, 120 pages each, blue or black ink pens, non-eraseable, crayons and markers, ruler (with metric and standard), protractor, 3 boxes of #2 pencils, scissors (small Fiskars), pencil box, pink eraser, colored pencils, 6 glue sticks, 1 box of tissue, 3 pocket folders, 1” white view binder, pencil sharpener with cover, 2-3 dry erase markers, gym shoes with non-marking soles to be kept at school.
Fifth grade
3 ring binder (2” or 3”) – good quality- to go home and come back every day, subject dividers for notebook (set of at least 7 dividers), wide-ruled notebook paper – one year’s supply (must have 20-100 blank sheets at all times), dictionary – intermediate level or above; get a good fat one not a simple small one, 3 wide-ruled, spiral-bound notebooks with 60-100 pages each, scissors (large size), glue stick (3-5 for whole year), small bottle of white glue, #2 pencils (about 25-50 for whole year), 12 or 24 set of colored pencils, set of crayola markers, large pink eraser, pencil case, calculator – basic four function with square root, ruler – sturdy plastic with inches and centimeters, protractor, 2 boxes of tissues, usb drive (jump drive) optional, gym shoes with non-marking soles to be kept at school.
Sixth grade
Large scissors, protractor, metric/standard ruler, 3 book covers, 2” 3-ring binder (anything larger than a 2” will not fit in the student’s desk), lined notebook paper spiral notebook (for math homework), ¼” graph paper with 3 holes, 7 subject index dividers, colored pencils, large pink eraser, #2 pencils with erasers (35-50 for whole year), pencil top erasers, 2 boxes of tissue, glue sticks (2 for whole year), basic 4-function calculator with square root , pencil case, a 64-128 mg jump drive is recommended but not required, gym shoes with non-marking soles to be kept at school, lock for gym locker.
Ms Denny’s seventh & eighth grades
1 or 1 ½ inch view 3 ring binder (two for 7th grade – white, no zippers and no velcro), 2 packages of tab divider pages - 5 tabs, erasable dark blue or black pens – for literature/english, pencil tip erasers, college-ruled white paper, one pouch to put into binder for pens, pencil, etc., box of colored pencils, paper grocery bags for book covers, (no spiral notebooks, peechees, side pouches, zipper binders).
Middle school physical education
Shorts or sweats – no cutoffs, jeans or pants with zippers or buttons, t-shirt, sweatshirt – no buttons or torn shirts, socks, gym shoes with non-marking soles to be kept at school, combination lock (no key locks).
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