In a 2-1 vote, the Cathlamet Town Council voted to appoint former Mayor and Councilmember Bob Rendler to fill a vacant seat on the council.
Councilmembers David Goodroe and William Talbott voted for Rendler; Councilmember Wally Wright voted for the other applicant for the position, Ruth Doumit. Councilmember John Hannah didn't attend the Monday meeting.
The council had interviewed the two candidates in a special meeting August 13.
In other business at the 2.5 hour meeting Monday:
--Councilmember Goodroe reported finding a firm interested in partnering with the town for construction of the planned new wastewater treatment plant.
Veolia Water would build and operate the plant on a 20-year contract, Goodroe said. The town would retain ownership of the land and facilities. The contract would set parameters for rate increases over the 20 years. The company has many similar arrangements across the country, Goodroe said, including Quincy in eastern Washington.
"It's obvious to all of us that if you can build in the private sector, you can save a whole lot of money," Goodroe said. "This arrangement might be able to cut construction costs."
Public Works Director David Vik commented that if the town were to go that route, it would have to make a request for proposals to which any firm could respond.
Swart said he would try to schedule a meeting in which the concept could be more fully presented and discussed with the public.
Ken Alexander of the town's wastewater plant consulting engineering firm, Gray and Osborne, said the firm has worked with Veolia in the past, including in the Quincy project, and could offer sound advice.
--Council members deferred action on proposed amendments to the town zoning ordinance. Swart reported that a citizen, James Reed, had provided a 17 page commentary on the proposed ordinance, and it raised some good points, he said.
Rendler, who has served as chair of the planning commission, agreed. He suggested the council consider contracting with the Cowlitz/Wahkiakum Council of Governments to help redraft the ordinance, and Swart said he would contact organization.
Reed said the council should consider in adopting the ordinance which trajectory it likes for the future of the town--a mixed economy, such as Longview, or a bedroom community with support services and niche tourism.
--The council reviewed and commented on an initial draft of a poultry ordinance, and it was sent to a subcommittee for more work.
Town Attorney Tom Doumit said the ordinance, based on ordinances in other communities, would ban roosters and allow one hen per 1,000 of lot space.
--The council agreed with a suggestion from Goodroe that the ordinance regulating heights of hedges and other shrubs be folded in the nuisance ordinance so that if plantings hampered traffic or other safety, the situations could be addressed as nuisances.
--Councilmembers authorized Wright and Public Works Director David Vik to determine suitability of surplus dirt from a Rosedale construction project to cover ground damaged over a year ago in a construction project.
Cathlamet hill resident Dean Snyder asked the council to recover ground near his house that had been scarified in the project. Snyder said he took care of the ground, which is town property, and kept it neat. He and the council developed a scheme in which a contractor would bring surplus dirt from the Elochoman Salmon Hatchery; but the contractor had to substitute other dirt, and, Swart reported, Snyder said that dirt had too much clay to be fertile.
--Cathlamet businessman David Nelson asked the council to reconsider the parameters used for calculating water and sewer rates for businesses. He commented that in his new building, which has three storefronts and two apartments, Sharon's Pizza and More, a pizza and sandwich shop, will pay $120 per month for water, while the apartments, which likely will use more water, pay only $40 per month.
Swart asked Water and Sewer Committee members to consult with Vik about a resolution to the request.
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