In honor of the founding work John Doumit has done to establish the Community Foundation’s “Columbia Estuary Environmental Education Program” (CEEEP), a new scholarship in honor of him is being established this spring for graduating seniors at Wahkiakum High School . At Doumit’s request, it will be focused on vocationally oriented students who have shown leadership, creativity and work ethics.
Foundation Board President Bonnie Linquist announced the new scholarship saying, "We are so pleased to honor John with this new scholarship. His vision for hands on education was the cornerstone that started our first CEEEP project in the summer of 2005 on Nelson Creek. Due to his vision and encouragement, the Foundation Board decided to establish the program that’s been important to so many students at Wahkiakum High School.”
Science teacher Jeff Rooklidge is pleased about the scholarship also. His comments were, "John Doumit has made a profound impact on the students of Wahkiakum County as he has inspired countless students to achieve their best through his leadership of the nationally recognized FFA program at Wahkiakum High School.
"Governed by a deeply embedded philosophy of hands-on learning, John gave his students “authentic, real-world” learning experiences that had value to the community and to his students’ future lives. Rather than limiting their learning to classroom labs and paper-and-pencil exams, he gave them a chance to experience project-based learning that would connect them to their future.
"This scholarship will give vocational students the opportunity to reach their future goals and it will honor a great teacher who has made a difference in his community.”
Karen Bertroch, Community Foundation Director, encourages those who wish to show gratitude for Doumit’s years of teaching, to consider donating to the new John Doumit Scholarship Fund at the Community Foundation by sending their gifts to: WCF/Doumit Scholarship, PO Box 611, Cathlamet, WA 98612.
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