Neighboring landowners are contesting the status of a 0.2 mile long piece of road in the Grays River Valley.
The road comes off Barr Road and leads into property owned by the families of Leon Gollersrud and his sister, Janice Ivanov. Gollersrud says it is a driveway that has been gated for years to keep cattle from roaming off the property.
However, attorney Tom Doumit, representing new land owners Jim and Judith Rayburn, said the spur is still a dedicated county road. The Rayburns would like to see it opened to provide access to property they own adjacent to the Gollersrud parcel. Doumit brought the issue to the county board of commissioners on Tuesday to request an opening of the road.
Commissioners George Trott, Dan Cothren and Blair Brady listened to Doumit, Gollersrud and county Public Works Director Pete Ringen. The said they would refer the matter to Prosecuting Attorney Dan Bigelow for an opinion.
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