Bail Forfeitures
November 14 - December 6, 2007
Russell R. Zinda, speeding, $144, Wasington State Patrol.
Niconor Garcia, no seatbelt, $124, WSP.
Harold M. Story, speeding, $113, WSP.
Christopher A. Dean, speeding. $113, WSP.
James J. Hauck, speeding, #113, WSP.
Gary D. Jackson, speeding, $113, WSP.
Rebecca A. Rastall, speeding, $113, WSP.
Kimberly A. Hurst, speeding, $175, WSP.
Karjon P. Kleger, speeding, $113, WSP
Karjon P. Kleger, speeding, $144, WSP.
Peter T. Sheridan, speeding, $144, Wahkiakum CountySheriffs Office.
Wesley A. Branstetter, speeding, $113, WSP.
James C. Durrah, speeding, $113, WSP.
Mykola A. Mostyka, speeding, $113, WSP.
Robert J. David, speeding, $113, WCSO.
Brandon J. Homola, speeding, $113, WSP.
Marilyn J. Silva, speeding, $113, WSP.
Ryan D. Love, speeding, $113, WSP.
Terry C. Patterson, speeding, $125, WSP.
Kyle A. Thelander, speeding, $90, WSP.
Randall M. Peterson, speeding, $165, WSP.
Darcy R. Aragon, speeding, $206, WCSO.
Marc Trunz, speeding, $225, WSP.
Ramon Medina-Garcia, speeding, $144, WSP.
Garet G. Russo, speeding, $144, WCSO.
Sandra K. Hilker, speeding, $90, WCSO.
David C. Hattig, speeding, $113, WSP.
Rodney J. Murray, speeding, $100, WSP.
Dennis C. Williams, speeding, $144, WCSO.
William W. Briney, speeding, $144, WCSO.
Michael S Queener, speeding, $124, WSP.
William L. Roberts, speeding, $144, WSP.
Brian C. Peck, speeding, $175, WSP.
Francisco S. Moreno, speeding, $125, WCSO.
Sevella A. Salazar, fail to wear hunter orange, $87, WCSO.
Gary R. Stephens, speeding, $113, WSP.
Daniel P. Borouina, speeding, $113, WSP.
Jeanne M. Jelke, speeding, $113, WCSO.
Clifford D. Nichols, speeding, $113, WSP.
Christopher R. Stromberg, speeding, $144, WCSO.
Maria C. Trevino, speeding, $113, WSP.
Charles R. Winn, speeding, $113, WSP.
Jose A. Tinajero-Gonzales, speeding, $93, WCSO.
Earl L. Amos, Improper passing on left side, $124, WCSO.
Eric C. Hendrickson, fail to wear hunter orange, $87, WCSO.
Court Dispositions
November 14 -December 4, 2007
November 14, 2007
John F. Johnson, negligent driving 1st degree, $1000 fine, 90 days jail with 88 suspended on conditions, WSP.
Brooke P. Nielson, minor in possession and / or consumption, $250 fine, 30 days jail with 30 days suspended on conditions, WCSO.
Edward D. Stewart, no valid operator license, $250 fine, 30 days jail with 30 days suspended on conditions, WCSO.
Barbara L. Worrell, supply liquor / premises to minor, $1000 fine, 365 days jail with 335 suspended on conditions, WCSO.
Lori C. Mogush, no valid operator license, $200 fine, 30 days jail with 30 days suspended on conditions, WCSO.
Michael P. Schell, fishing without license or catch card, $100 fine, 30 days jail with 30 days suspended on conditions; recreational fishing violation, $100 fine, WCSO.
Kent M. Schoening, fishing without license or catch card, $50 fine; recreational fishing violation, $100 fine, WCSO.
John F. Doyle, speeding, $100 penalty; no valid operator license, $450 penalty; operating motor vehicle without insurance, $450 penalty, WCSO.
Nancy D. Goulart, speeding, $100 penalty; fail to stop / yield, $100 penalty, WSP.
Brian D. Harding, speeding, $180 penalty, WSP.
Michael Schmidt, speeding, $90 penalty, WSP.
Cristina M. Luthi, minor in possession / consumption, $250 fine, 365 days jail with 365 suspended on conditions, WCSO.
November 16, 2007
Stuart T. Sadler, driving while license suspended first degree, $1000 fine, 360 days jail with 330 suspended on conditions, WCSO.
November 20, 2007
Paul E. Harrington, Driving while under the influence, $900 fine, 365 days jail with 245 suspended on conditions; driving while license suspended second degree, $600 fine, 365 days jail with 330 suspended on conditions; operating motor vehicle without ignition interlock, $400 fine, 365 days jail with 350 suspended on conditions, WSP.
November 26, 2007
Alex J. Dietrich, minor in possession and / or consumption, $500 fine, 365 days jail with 360 suspended on conditions; speeding, $100 penalty, WCSO.
Adam D. Pringle, driving while license suspended second degree, $500 fine, 365 days jail with 360 suspended on conditions, WCSO.
November 29, 2007
Richard R. Swingle, Driving while license suspended second degree, $760 fine, 365 days jail with 344 suspended on conditions, WSP.
December 4, 2007
Reyes P. Badillo, Assault fourth degree, $400 fine, 364 days jail with 354 suspended on conditions, WCSO.
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